Lemon Microbrick Reference Guide
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The receiver has the following features.
Small size. 32 x 27mm.
Light weight. Less than7g.
Full range (same high sensitivity as regular Lemon receivers)
Large input voltage range. Usable with 1s
2s LiPo. Specified range 3.1
Robust onboard micro rotary servos. 2s capable.
Onboard 5A brushed speed controller (ESC) plus throttle signal for brushless ESC.
Throttle safety on brushed controller (stick at low to enable motor).
Integrated brushed LVC (Low Voltage Cut-off) for 1s. Motor starts pulsing at 3.2v.
Integrated optional 3-axis rate stabilization with remote On/Off and master gain.
Full onboard mixing for V-Tail, Delta (Elevon) and channel 2/4 swap. The last allows aileron stick control
of rudder steered models.
Optional second stabilized aileron servo on channe
l 6 (Spektrum™ standard Dual Aileron setup)
Applications for the Microbrick
The Microbrick is ideal for small park flier models in the increasingly popular under-250g size. Often these
lightweight models have a wingspan of 700mm or less and are either Throttle/Rudder/Elevator only or in
addition have ailerons driven by two servos on a Y-lead or as two separate channels.
Another very obvious application is as a superior replacement for the popular Spektrum™ AR6400 style
integrated micro receiver with two onboard linear servos found in many UMX size micro models from E-Flite and
others. It is also attractive to scratch builders making the small 1s and 2s models that would normally use a linear
servo receiver.
The original
AR6400 (now discontinued) is shown below. There are several updated variants, with or
without stabilization, using 1s or 2s.
Spektrum AR6400, the classic micro brick
The Spektrum™ AR6400 style bricks range from tiny 3.5g,
3-channel versions used in the Micro Vapor to more
advanced 5 channel versions with AS3X™ rate
and customized
SAFE™ self
The Lemon Microbrick is not intended as a substitute for
the very lightweight (and limited) variants, nor does it
include SAFE™ type functionality, which needs
to be
customized to each particular airframe. It will however
work well in
the vast majority of “UMX” indoor and small
outdoor fixed wing aircraft.
It is particularly easy to substitute the Lemon in 3-channel
RET planes for an AR6400-type receiver, as it has an on-
board 5A capable brushed speed controller and the output arms of the two rotary servos match the control
directions of the AR6400 linear servos. Likewise, with a brushless motor and speed control, it can substitute for
the Spektrum brick in 2s UMX models such as the Turbo Timber.
Master gain requires a transmitter with at least eight channels.