Please READ & UNDERSTAND the instructions
carefully before operating this device,
and retain for future reference.
Washing load guidelines below are are for larger items
(shirts & small towels etc), more smaller items (underwear & socks) can be washed.
he EcoWash washing machine is suitable for washing lightweight laundry such as, T-shirts, &
dress/work shirts, underwear, socks, small towels, mop etc.
Only add water to the “Max” fill Level on the washing machine tub (blue part) when turning
the handle take care not to over spin the basket, as this can result in water leakage from the tub.
A) Pull the handle up a short distance to fold over for storage.
B) Do not use the handle to carry the washing machine.
You can use water from cold to hot for washing (however NEVER use boiling water straight
Load (pcs)
Water (% Full)
Wash Time
1/4 load
1 tablespoon
1-2 Min
1/3 load
2 tablespoon
2-3 Mins
1/2 load (Max)
3 tablespoon
3-4 Mins
EcoWasher Portable
Washing Machine
LW569 Manual 2018 AW.qxp_Layout 1 24/01/2018 10:54 Page 2