Leica Z2X Скачать руководство пользователя страница 9


Содержание Z2X

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Страница 2: ...I v I LEICA Instructions LEICAZ2X ...

Страница 3: ...EE q oo lo EE q II EE Ev EE q lo EE q O EE zsL0Ul fiANEE q fiONEE ZSLOW O EE Mode selection by MODE button v lFt l n r g ti www orphancameras com ...

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Страница 5: ...ographic situations Plus you can take it anywhereas a constantcompanion as it is extremelycompactand lightweight In orderfor you to enjoythe full spectrumof possibilities the LEICA Z2X offers we recommendthat you start by readingthis instruction booklet The mo need ha ser mation you d in the enclo ur the instruction waterproof and small pocKet t i j t l a i This instruction bookletwas printedon pa...

Страница 6: ...nfinity o Center weighted integralmetering with exposure memory o Exoosure override 2 EV O Built in flash O Automatic flashactivation in low light o Manual on offflash O Pre flash option to reduce red eye effect o Infinity focuslock O Long time exposures up to 99 sec o Large brightviewfinder o Automaticfilm advance andrewind O Continuousshutter release about one every1 5sec o Automaticfilm speedse...

Страница 7: ... a n e l Compatible batteries Battery inserting checking changing Attachiigihe neck carryrng straps Switching the cameraon off Compatible 35 mm films Loading thefilm Settingthe focallength Holdingthe camera Viewfinder display Taking pictures Focus andexposure memory Program modes Taking pictures with and withoutflash Taking picturesinautomatic modewith automatic flash Taking pictures lnautomatic p...

Страница 8: ...Mid roll film rewind Panorama photographs Trouble shooti ng guide Databack Settingthe databack Helpful tipson camera care Leica Customer Service Technical data Viewfinder eyepiece GreenLED RedLED Filmwindow showingloaded film Backcoverrelease Batterycompartment cover Tripod thread114 AU4DIN4503 LEICAZ2Xwilh DataBack LCDdatadisplay on DataBack Switchfor manual film rewind Socket for electric cabler...

Страница 9: ... flash onwith pre flash SLOW ON longexposure manualflash on SLOW TTON longexposure flash pre flash r flohUol flash off focushasbeenmanually locked on infinity longexposure upto a maxi mum of 99 sec inthe pro grammodes SLOW and OFF 8 framecounter 99 timecounter for longexposu res l0 self timer countdown Compatible 3 volt lithium batteries for examole DURACELL DL123A KODAK K123A PANASONIC CR123A VAR...

Страница 10: ...t tery open the battery compartment cover 20 by pushingin the direction of the arrow Insert the lithium battery with the minus polefacingforwardas indicatedin the bat tery compartment close the cover until it clicks shut Checking the battery Switchthe cameraon see p 7 The pro tective lens cover then automatically opens and the lens 12l moves to the ready position lf the symbol 4i ap a series of ex...

Страница 11: ...eriesby throwing them intoan openfire do not try to rechar ge break open disassemble or heat Do not dispose of usedbatteries in normalhou sehold garbage as they contain toxic wastes that are dangerousto the environ ment Return them to yourlocalsupplier or turnthem in for recycling t u t nit i int t t it t i t i 11 t t i rl lr r fi ti 1 Attaching the neck or wrist carrying straps Ever Readycase Whe...

Страница 12: ...the ready positionand the LCDdatapanel 9 displayappears When the camerais switchedoff all dis plays disappear the lens returns to the transportpositionand the lens cover clo S E S When the camerais not usedfor aprox 5 minutesafter beingswitchedon the data panel displayand the camera electronics are automatically turned off The lens is set to the 35 mm focal length wide angle With a light touch on ...

Страница 13: ...in yourbody sshaoow 1 Unlatch and openthe backcover 25 by moving the sliding cover release 19 upwaro 2 Load the film cartridge into the film chamberas shown The cameraguide pin must fit into the corresponding socketon the film cartridge base 3 f nsurethat the film is laidflat between the film guideswith the film leadexten dingto the take up spool lf you have pulledout too much film carefullywind i...

Страница 14: ...s the film has not been loadedproperly Reopen the back removethe film and re insertit asdescribed in sections2 to 4 Setting the focal length The button to select the focal length zoomselector 2 operateslike a seesaw Pressing f tele on the right of the roc pi causesthe lens to zoom to longer focdl lengths Pressing W wide angle on the left of the rockercausesthe lens to zoom to shorterfocal lengths ...

Страница 15: ...nd exposure meter window 11 are not inadvertently coveredby your hand the carryingstrap etc Forverticalformatphotographs ensurethat the flash is alwaysat the top as lighting from above produces a more natural rmpresslon It is alsoadvisable with vertical formatpho tographyto use the thumb to press the shutterrelease to minimizecamera shake www orphancameras com ...

Страница 16: ......

Страница 17: ...r below the frame lines at the bot tom c Markingsfor the panorama format With use of the panoramaadapter see p 28 availableas an accessory the prctureareacoveredis indicatedby the markings insidethe framelines d Autofocusframe Aim the cameraso that the main sub ject to be in sharpfocus is within this frame it is not necessary that it fills it e GreenLED 16 lf the green LED lights up when the shutt...

Страница 18: ...leaseto indi cate flash readiness The red LED flas hes and the shutter releaseis blocked when the flash is not yet ready Flash recyclingtime with fresh batteries is about5 seconds Taking pictures For photographs with the main subjectin the centerof the frame After selectingthe focal length point the cameraso that the mainsubjector portions thereofarewithinthe autofocus framearea Now lightlypressth...

Страница 19: ...featureshouldbe used Holdingthe camerato the eye point it at the subjectmatterso that the most impor tant portionsto be in focus are insidethe autofocus frame Now lightly pressthe shut ter releasebutton to pressurepoint fhe grQ bn LED lightsup to indicatethat focus and exposurevalueshave been measured and that both values have been stored rn memory ril www orphancameras com ...

Страница 20: ...ces Keeping the shutterreleasebuttonpressed down slightly composeyour pictureas you wish When ready pressthe shutterrelease fullydown for the exposure The focusand exposurememory is cancelled as soon as you removeyour finger from the shutter release button Using the focus memory feature is also usefulwith difficult autofocus subjects such as structures which do not presenta sub stantial surfaceon ...

Страница 21: ...ach pressof the mode selectorbut ton 8 MODE the program mode is changedto the next setting see inside coverpage2 and BriefInstructions Every programmode remainsin effect untilano ther mode is chosenor the camerais tur ned off After switching the camera on again the automatic programmode will be in effect Taking pictures with and without flash fhe LEICAZ2X has a built inflashwhich can be lntentiona...

Страница 22: ...omatically activated The green LED lights up as soon as the focus and exposure are measured and saveo The greenLED flashesat long intervals to indicatethat the focusingdistanceis too small less than 60 cm 24 in ll In this case the shutter releaseis blockeduntil the distanceis increased see also View finderdisplay p 12 The red LED lightsup with a slightpres sure of the shutterrelease when the flash...

Страница 23: ... portraits photographedusing flash an undesirable red eye effect is possi ble when the flash is reflectedfrom the retina of the eye directlyto the camera Therefore the person being photographed should not look directlyinto the camera In low light this effect is especiallynoti ceabledue to dilatedeye pupils When e 9 photographing indoors it is recom mended to add as much normal room lightingas poss...

Страница 24: ...is done from a middle grey value which corresponds to the brightnessof an averagephotographic scene When the scene does not measure to this value an exposureoverrideis ne cessary In extremely bright surrounding scenes e g with snow or at the beach the picturebecomesunderexposed due to the high amount of light reflections In orderto compensate the picturemust be overexposedby 2EV EV Exposure Value ...

Страница 25: ...for pictureswith extre ON are displayed in the data panel All me contrast e 9 when the subjectis in further photographswill now be taken shade with the pre flash and main flash regard To activatethe flash manually press the lessof the lighting conditions mode selectorbutton 8 MODE until r is displayedin the data panel The flash will now be activatedfor every pho tographregardless of lighting condi...

Страница 26: ...3200 36 0 6 m 2 8 8 m 0 6 m 1 5 3 m These specifications refer to color negative print film With positive slide films there is a reductionin range All valuesare roundedoff I Flash range rangewhere the flash rangeis greater as The available flash rangedependson the the focusing distanceis lower and the chosen focal length and film speed For lensspeedhigherat this end of the zoom best results ensure...

Страница 27: ...night Forcorrectexposure of the surrounding area in suchphotographic situations the exposu re may haveto be prolonged up to the 8 longexposure setting over4 sec see alsothe pictures on the top of therepages In flashphotographs in the automatic program mode the am bient lightdoes not influenceexposure 1 30sec To activate this feature pressthe MODE button 8 untilthe symbol SLOWy ON appgarson the LCD...

Страница 28: ...e the camera swit chesto long time exposure 8 The shut ter remainsopen until the shutterrelease button is releasedagain 99 sec at maxi mum The 8 settingis alsoactivated in the followingmodes referto the relevant illustrations on the followingpages Attention The shutter speed is controlled by the ambientlight up to the 8 long exposure setting Flashing greenLEDindicates a riskof came ra shakedespite...

Страница 29: ...tivatedfor every exposure re gardless of the lightingconditions Caution There is a risk of camera shake even with flash Refer also to Manual flash on with longexposura p 22 Manual flash off By intentionally switchingthe flashoff one can e 9 capturethe specialmood of twi light or photograph insidea museumwhere flashphotography is not allowed Pressthe modbselectorbutton 8 MODE until t OFF is display...

Страница 30: ...re time is dis playedon the LCDdatapanel For photographs with longexposure times the LEICAmini tripodis recommended as a practicalaccessorywhich fits into any pocket orderno 14320 Electric cable release Accessory not supplied asstandard orderno 18540 The electriccable releaseis a useful ac cessoryfor preventrng camerashake du ringr long exposu res taken at night for ex amp1e Caution Switch the cam...

Страница 31: ... symbols and U OFF are displayed in the data panel The lensrs now set to infinityfor the following photographs and the flashis switchedoff Self timer By pressingthe self timerselectorbutton 5 below the datapanelon the top of the camera the self timeris activated delay ing the releaseof the shutter by approxi maqely10 seconds Duringthe countdown the red LED 141 on the front of the camera lights up ...

Страница 32: ...the bottom of the ca mera After pressingthe self timer button the self timer symbolin theidata panelflashes and the remaining secondsuntilthe shut ter releaseare shown To cancelthe self timer press the self timerselectorbutton once more or switch the cameraoff Automatic film rewind The cameraautomatically rewindsthe film afterthe last exposure The frame counter counts in reverse When the film has ...

Страница 33: ...andard35 mm film format of the LEICAZ2X is 24x36 mm and has a lateral ratio of 2 3 With use of the panofama adapler available as accessory order no 18511 a film format of 12x36 mm is producedwith a lateralratio of 1 3 This panorama format is well suited for landsca pe or group photographs Insertthe adap ter into the film window of the LEICAZzX as shown in the illustration The entire film will now ...

Страница 34: ...lmportant Be careful panorama markings in p 121 Also there is a velcro caseto securelystore ter to stay within the the viewfinder see insidethe everready the panorama adap Soft leathercase for LEICAZZX ...

Страница 35: ...4 Usefocusmemoryon alter nativesubjects thatareat a similar distance seep 14 Change mode seep 16 Cleanlens refer to Helpful tipson camera care p 36 Mainsubjectout of focus Picture blurred or partially out of focus Autofocussensors obstructed r Subjecttoo close Mainobjectnot insideauto focusframewhilefocusing Difficultautofocus situations suchas uniformly bright surfaceswithoutcontrast Camera setto...

Страница 36: ...oo close Filmin camera has j rewoundandcartridge is stillin camera Program error Filmadvance malfunction Keephands carrying strapetc awayfrom lens andflashunit Staywithintheflashrange or usea higher speedfilm Switchon camera seep 7 Changebattery seep 5 6 Wipe batterycontacts clean Wait brieflyuntilthe flash is ready seep 13 17l Increase the subject distance to at least60 cm 24in seep 12 Take out f...

Страница 37: ... the film flashesfor approximately 2 sec after successful dataimprinting M O D E Pushbuttonfor settingthe datadisplay and for switchingoff data imprinting Everytime the buttonis pushed the dis playchangesin sequence seediagram on p 33 The monthis markedwith the letter M doesnotappear on film The dashes visible in the display whenthe dataimprintmodeis set to off arenot imorinted on the film SELECT ...

Страница 38: ...r and minu tes blinks The blinking data are set by pushingthe button SET When the colonblinksin the time display pressing the SET button sets the clock to zero seconds Pressing the SELECT button anothertime concludes the settingproce dureand the display symbolfor imprinting lightsup again By pressingthe MODE button you can select the desireddate or time display The approximate positionand size of ...

Страница 39: ...aph After imprinting the displaywill flash for approximately 2 se conds Data legibilityon the photographmay vary slightlydependingon tfre film used On some films such as Kodachrome 64 the data are sometimesvery faint or not visi ble at all On darksubjects the dataappe ar red to orange on lightersubjects oran www orphancameras com ...

Страница 40: ... ...

Страница 41: ...ensesis differ ent from tflt us ed lmportant The camera containshigh_vol_ i n c a m e r a e n s e s A c o h o a n d o t h e r h i g l t r o n i c c o m p o n e n t s U n d e r n o c i r mical solutions should not be r r d lo rir rt n should the camera body be clean the camera bgdyrw n ne e sary nr rewed or brokenapart High volt agei cleanthe camerawith a soft dry cloth oanoerous r Do not expose yo...

Страница 42: ... closeswhen the came ra is switchedoff Focusrange From60 cm 24in lto infinity Separate infinityfocuslock Autofocus system Passive autofocus which meters exposurevalues when the shutterrelease buttonis pressed lightly and focuseswhen the shutterreleasebuttonis fully depressed In poor lightingconditions the auxiliary AF lightis automatically activa ted Exposure control Automatic mode center weighted...

Страница 43: ... sec 8 setting upto 99 sec Film speed setting Film speed automati cally set for DX codedfilms from ISO 50 18 to ISO 3200 36 With film without DX coding or with codinglower than ISO 50 the camerais automatically set to ISO 100121 With films with coding higher than lSo 3200 it is set to lso 3200136 The settings are as follows ISO 50 64 100 125 200 250 400 500 900 1000 1600 2000 3200 Automatic flash ...

Страница 44: ...edad vance after each exposure Continuous shootingby holdingdown shutterrelease Automaticrewindafter last exoosure Mid rollrewindoossible Data panel Liquid Crystal Display LCD indicates symbols numbers for batterysta tus frame count alternatively time count in seconds flash and pre flash activation flash OFF and pre flashOFE long timeex posure infinityfocus lock self timerand exposureoverride Self...

Страница 45: ...matic calendar up to year2019 Intensi Manualflash onand p e flash with long ty controlled automatically according to film exposure gpeedcoding Manual flash off Infinity focuslockandmanual flash off Dimensions approx The 8 is displayedon the LCD data Length 124 mm height69 6 mm depth panel if the light is too dim to permit 42 6 mm exposure metering Manual long time with databack43 6 mm exposureup t...

Страница 46: ...I I VARfO ELMAR1 4 7 6135 70mm r il f lf rt lil d 8ie i w o i u ...

Страница 47: ...www orphancameras com ...
