Leica Academy
Our seminars offer participants practical in-
formation on the Leica world of values and the
fascination of skilled use of Leica products.
Course programs are application-oriented and
informative. They offer a wealth of practical
suggestions, help, and advice.
Leica Camera AG
Leica Akademie
Oskar-Barnack-Str. 11
D 35606 Solms
+49 (0)64 42-2 08 421
+49 (0)64 42-2 08 425
e-mail: [email protected]
Leica in the Internet
You can find up to date informtion about pro-
ducts, novelties, special events, and the Leica
company on our home page in the internet:
Leica Information Service
Should you have any technical questions re-
garding the use of Leica products, the Leica
information service will be happy to answer
in writing or by phone, fax, or e-mail:
Leica Camera AG
Postfach 1180
D 35599 Solms
+49 (0)64 42-208 111
+49 (0)64 42-208 339
e-mail: [email protected]