Leica R 4 s MOD. P Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27


Содержание R 4 s MOD. P

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Страница 3: ...rtment isready to undertake maintenance of yourLEICA R 4 s MOD P or anyrepairs thatmaybe comenecessary ERNST LEITZ WETZLAR GMBH Technical ServiceDepartment Postfach 2027 D 6330 Wetzlar WestGermany Outside ofGermany thelocalLeitzagency can be contacted LEICASchool TheLEICA Schoolisanother partotLE TZ service ltwasfounded to meetthewishes of manykeenphotographers forthorough furthertraining inphotog...

Страница 4: ...nder as a composition and controlcentre 28 Focusing withthe universalfocusing screen 30 Interchangeable focusing screens 31 Uniform groundg lassscreen micro prism screen 31 Uniform groundglass screen with grid division Clear glass plate with crosslines Correction lenses Eyecup Eyepieceblanking Multipleexposures Flash synchronisation Automatic switch over to X Depth of field lever Depth of field sc...

Страница 5: ...selector 7 Viewingwindowfor the set program 8 Accessoryshoe with centre and control contact I Doesnot applyto LEICAR4 s 10 LED LightEmmiting Diode for self timer 11 Lockingbuttonfor exposurecorrection override 12 Overridesettinglever 13 Lockingbuttonfor ISO ASA DIN settingof the exposuremeter batterytest knob C LEDfor batterytest 14 Foldingrewindcrank 15 Film speed settingring www orphancameras co...

Страница 6: ...ancesettingring 22 Depth of fieldscale 23 Aperturepreselectionring 24 Flashcontact 25 Eyeletfor carrying strap 26 Viewingwindowfor insertedfilm 27 Eyepieceblank 28 Viewfindereyepiece correctionlenses can be inserted 29 Cap for batterycompartment 30 A1 4 tripodthread 31 Rewindreleaseand double exposure button 32 Motorwinderconnector ...

Страница 7: ...5 Remove themetalhooksfromthecarrying strapand hookthem intothe eyeletson the camera Attention Make sure that the carrying strap is insertedto the secondpartof the metalhookscompletelybeforeyou push the securing loops over them see pic tures above www orphancameras com ...

Страница 8: ...nsby the fixed ring 22 Make thereddot 20 onthelensmount facethe bayonetlock 18 on the camerabody Insert thelensinthisposition Afteraslight clockwise turn the lensclicksinto posi tion Removingthe lens Grip the lens by the fixed ring 22 Depressthe bayonetlock 18 on the camera Turnthe lensanticlockwise and removeit Withthe cameraloadedchangelensesin the shadowof yourbody sincelightmay enter throughth...

Страница 9: ...n symbols Screw the cap and batteriesinto the baseplateof the camera Checkthe stateofthe batteriesbeforeyou starttakingphotographs especially when you havenot usedthe camerafora pro longedperiod Press thebattery testknob 13 marked C ontopleftofthecamera TheLEDlights upinredwhenthebatteries areinworking order The batterytest knob should remainpressedfor about 5 se conds A noticeable reduction inthe...

Страница 10: ... cool anddry place Do not use new and used batteriesto gether Thebatteriescannotbe recharged Donotthrowusedbatteries intothefire Do not mixdifferentbatteriesfromdiffer ent manufacturers Discarded batteries shouldbereturned to the camera shop Silver oxidebutton cells Suitable forthe LEICA R 4 s MOD P UCAR UCAR UCAR Mallory Mallory Varta Varta Varta Eveready National Ray o vac Maxell EPX76 S76E No 3...

Страница 11: ... instructions for the MOTOR WINDER or MOTOR DRIVE respectively The symbol indicates thefilmplane Settingthe film speed Tosettheexposure meterforthespeedof the film in the camerapressthe locking button 13 andatthesametimerotate the settingring 15 until the desiredfilm speedisdisplayed intheviewing windows DlNat the front ASAat the rear Theadjustment rangeextendsfrom ISO 12 12 ASA12 12DIN to ISO3200...

Страница 12: ...k opens automatically Thefilmcounterreturnsto S start Windthe shutterwiththe rapidtransport leverandrelease it To save time duringfilm loading it is recommended to setthespeeddialto X thus settinga shortshutterspeedinde pendentof the exposure automation The operation is identicalwith the DatabackDB LEICAR 4 attached 11 ...

Страница 13: ...the empty film cartridge chamber Now Push in the rewind crank Theedgeofthefilmmustbe parallel tothefilmguideandthesprockets ofthe transport drummustengageinthe perforationholes of the film when the rapidtransportleveris operated Transport thefilmthroughoneframewith the rapidtransportleverso that it willbe tautinthefilmguideandthefilmcartridge mouthis not proud lmportant Loadthefilm intheshadeof on...

Страница 14: ...and 36 aremarkedin red Do not forget lf thespeeddialwassetto X whileload ing the film it must now be re set Thefilmhasbeencorrectly inserted andis transported whena brightfieldbecomes visible inthecontrolwindow 2 infrontof the rapid transport lever it advances towards thefrontedgeofthewindowwith eachexposure Itisalsopossible toobserve therewinding process page14 in the controlwindow 2 tne whitefie...

Страница 15: ...n out the rewindcrank and rotateit clockwise in the direction of the arrow untilthefilmis pulledoutofthetake upspoolafterslight resistance hasbeenovercome Openthe camerabody by pullingup the rewind crankandtakeoutthe filmcartridge Switchingon the exposuresystem Theexposure systemof the LEICAR 4 s MOD Pisswitched onwithslightpressure oftherelease button 4 or pressure ofthe lockingbuttonon the progr...

Страница 16: ...ings of exposure timeand lensaperture theLeitzselective measure mentis used The exposureis measuredthroughthe lens With the LEICAR lenseswith fully automaticpreset diaphragmmeasure ment is carriedout at full aperture The symbol of the measuring method employed isdisplayed intheviewing win dow 7 nextto the program selectorand inthebottomleft hand corneroftheview finder as a program The exposureis m...

Страница 17: ...d integratingmeasurement see p 221should bechosen LEITZselective measurement This method is used whenevergreat brightness differences occurintheentire subjectand a certaindetailis to be ex posedaccurately Since the measuringfield in the view finder is outlinedby the large central circle the important image detail is measured exactly Themeasuring fieldis the samesizefor alllensesandallfocus ing scr...

Страница 18: ...icatea shutterspeed whichistoo highandtherefore produces underexposure The shutterspeedmust bereduced forinstance from1 125 to1 60 sec withthe 1 correction Withverydarksubjectswhichreflect littlelighttheexposure meterwillindicate a shutterspeedwhich is too slow and therefore produces overexposure The shutter speed must be increased for instance from1 15 to1 30sec withthe 1 correction Pressthe lock...

Страница 19: ...the 3 part ring combination have no automatic diaphragm or nocouplingfor it Herethe exposure mustbe measured throughthe lensaperture used i e throughthework ing aperture Here the lens apertureis adjustedto regulatethe amountof light reaching the measuring cellof the LEICA R4sMOD P Valuesbelowthe measuringrange Themeasuring rangeof the cameraused for correctexposuresis linear Whenin verypoorlightth...

Страница 20: ...inedis ISO800 30o 1 8sec ISO400 27o 1 4 sec fSO 200 240 1 2 sec lSO100 210 1sec Becauseas a rule high speed filmsand high speed lensesareusedin poorlight ingconditions thiswillhardly impose limi tations Evenwhen the lens is stopped down 3 stops with ISO 100 210 the shutterspeedwillstillbedetermined auto matically although itwillnot beindicated Needless to say measurements can also becarriedoutat f...

Страница 21: ...chedon The chosenprogram isdisplayed inthe bottom left hand corneroftheviewfinder window In addition the programsettingcan be readatanytimeintheviewing window 7 nextto the shutterspeedring Theprogramselectormustengageinthe chosenposition lt canberesetonlyafter the locking button has been pressed Thefollowing programs can be chosen tr automaticshutterspeedcontrolwith LEITZlargef ieldintegrating mea...

Страница 22: ...edcontinuously and displayed ontherightintheviewfinder windowupto 1 sec by LEDs lf 2 diodeslightup simul taneously thevaluesproduced areinter mediate Theuseof electronic flashunitsrequires the X setting At 8 theshutterremains openaslongastherelease buttonisbeing pressed Slightly moreresistance istobeovercome between 1 and X whencomparedto the othervalues so asto avoidacciden tallyleaving automatic...

Страница 23: ...rgefield integrating measure ment is correct and dependable The range of applicationsincludes land scapes monuments individialgroups alsosee page16 The lensopeningis selectedby meansof the aperturedia phragm ring 23 Theshutterspeedis automatically deter minedaccordingto the existingbright ness Theshutterspeedringmaybesetat anyvaluebetween1 1000and 1 sec but notat X 100 or B 22 www orphancameras co...

Страница 24: ...hintermediate values Speeds of1 60secandhigher areindicat ed by circular of 1 30secandslowerby square LEDs The LEDs indicate the dangerof camerashake With extreme brightness the shutter speedrangemayno longerby adequate for the preselected aperture Thisis indi cated by a red triangularLEDat the top endofthescale Torelieve thiscondition selecta smallerlensopening if possible Whenthe bottomtriangula...

Страница 25: ...ntrallargecircleofthevieurfinder This allows for the measurementof smaller portions of the picture The measuredvalueis storedby depressing therelease buttonbeyond theinitial pres surepointto the secondpressurepoint thevaluestorage remains intact Asvisible signof valuestorageyou will noticethat the symbol will becomeextinguished Duringvalue storage the cameramaybe panneduntilthe desiredpictureareah...

Страница 26: ...htup withintermediate values Speeds of1 60secandhigher areindicat ed by circular of 1 30secandslowerby square LEDs The LEDs indicate the dangerof camerashake With extreme brightness the shutter speedrangemayno longerby adequate for the preselected aperture Thisis indi cated by a red triangularLEDat the top endofthescale Torelieve thiscondition selecta smallerlensopening if possible Whenthe bottomt...

Страница 27: ... the locking button on the programselectoror touching the release buttonandline upthesubject Settheshutterspeed indicatedby the red LED on the shutter speed ring Intermediate values cannotbeset lftwoLEDslight up duringthe determination of the shutterspeed the apertureshould be openedor closedby halfa value Preselect the shutterspeedby rotat ingtheshutter speed ringengaging it atfullvalues Lineupth...

Страница 28: ... right The shutter speed scaleis visibleon the right in the view finder frame The LEDs indicateithe measured shutterspeed Whentheupper triangle LED over exposure lightsup or the lowertriangle LED underexposure selectdifferenttime diaph ragm coni bi na tions lf necessaryuse faster lenses or lowerorfasterfilms lfthesymbolp lights up the exposureis belowthe metering range seep 18 ra 1 ...

Страница 29: ...temsof information are indi catedwiththe variousprograms thatare necessary seepp 22 to 27 The illustrationoppositeshows all the displays simultaneously Thedisplayinthebottomleft hand corner intheviewfinder frameindicates override andthelimit ofthemeasuring range tothe right of it is the displayof the program setting In the bottom centre the pre selected lensaperture isfadedin and on the right the ...

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Страница 31: ...mutuallydis placedinthehorizontal splitwedgeofthe viewf inder A ring with a rectangular prism screen surrounds the central split wedge lt servesfor the focusingof objectswith weakcontours Theout of focus position isclearly indicated byflickering The outer boundary ofthisringindicates theoutline of the field for LEITZselectivemeasure ment The surroundingfield consistsof matt triangular prisms which...

Страница 32: ...them with your fingers Special taskscallfortailor made systems for rapidand accuratework Thisis why fouradditional focusing screens areavail ablefortheLEICA R 4 s MOD P the uni formgroundglass screen No 2 for the extremeclose uprangeand very long focal length lenses The microprism screen No 3 for undisturbedassess mentofthepictorial composition Theuni form groundglass screenwith grid divi sion No ...

Страница 33: ...Failing thisthemeasuring edgeofthesplit image rangefinder cannotappearinsharp focusandgoodcontrast inthevieMinder Thisprecludes precision focusing Herewe recommend the useof a correc tionlens TheLEITZ correction lenses are available in the following and dioptre values spherical 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 3 0 Eyecup The flexibleeyecup Code No 14257 shieldsthe eyefromstraylight Also the viewfinderimageappearsc...

Страница 34: ...r A switch 27 isarranged onthe leftofthe eyepiece window turningitanticlockwise closesthe eyepiece When the stop is swungin a whitedot will appearin the eyepiece Multipleexposures Makethefirstexposure Press the rewind button 31 Operatethe rapidtransport lever The alreadyexposedfilm can now be exposedonceagain At the endof itstravelthe rapidtransport leverautomatical lyswitchesofftherewind button l...

Страница 35: ...ctionon the left handfront ofthe camera by means of a synchronised cable 3 3Using a multiple plug available throughyourdealer several flashunits or flashunitstogether withdataback may be connectedvia X contact 3 4Contacts forcableconnection andhot shoemaybe usedsimultaneously if thy ristorflashunitsarebeingused 4 For manual operation the flash synchronisation willfunctionat exposure times of 1 60 ...

Страница 36: ...ese are offered by various manufacturersand automaticallycontrol the switch over to X as soon as the unit has been recycled This is effectivefor all programmodesand operates independentlyof the setting of the shutter ring except for X 8 or 100 Flashreadinessis indicatedby the blink ing triangularLED in the top right hand corner of the viewfinderof the LEICAR 4 s MOD P In the absenceof flashreadine...

Страница 37: ... would produce wrong exposurevalues Depth of fieldscale of the lenses The depth of fieldscale indicatesthe rangeof the depth of fieldfor the object distanceset on the lens lf forinstance the50mmSUMMICRON R f 2 lens has been focusedon 5 m the depthof fieldwillextendfrom3 to about 20 m when the lens has beenstopped downtot 11 Ifit hasbeenstoppeddown onlytof 4 sharpness willextend from4to about8 m Ou...

Страница 38: ...o constantlight To disengage the self timer simplyturn the knob 17 back Lenshoods A functionally designed lenshoodis part of all LEICA R lenses lt shouldalwaysbe used becauseit offerseffectiveprotec tionagainst straylightandglareaswellas againstraindrops andfingermarks Most LEICA R lenses have a built on extensible lenshood Fromsomelensesthe lenshoodcan be detached lt isattached whitedotfacing whi...

Страница 39: ...e See Measurement with working aper ture page 18 for the following lenses 35 mm PA CURTAGON R t 4 4O0mm TELff R T 6 8 500 MMMR TELYT R f 8 560 mm TELYT Rf 6 8 and 800 mm TELYT S f 6 3 Designof the LEICAR lenses All LEICAR lensesshare the external design i e the arrangementof the rotatable aperturepreselection ring 23 thefixedringwithdepth of field indication 22 andthe distancesettingring 21 is the...

Страница 40: ...psthe camera Theindexfinger restsonthe release button thethumbon the rapidtransportlever The left hand supportsthe lensfrombelow Simplyturn the camerafor uprightpic tures Thehandsremain inthesameposi tion as for horizontal pictures readyto transport the filmandfor focusing 39 ...

Страница 41: ...gdevicesare fitted to the 24 mm and the 28 mm ELMARIT R t 2 8 and the 35 mm PA CURTAGON R t 4lenses Filters and adapter rings can be easily released when to avoid distortion grippedonly on one side The use of filters Whenthe exposureis measured through thelens thereduction ofthelightintensity is generally automatically allowed for But the variousfilmshavedifferentsensitivi tiesinthevarious regions...

Страница 42: ...o boththe extinctionand the transmission position of the polarizing filter Hints for the use of existing LEICA R lensesand LEICAR accessories All lensesand the accessoriesof the LEICA R3 R3 MOTrangecanbeusedon the LEICA R 4 s MOD Pwithoutmodifica tion Lensesandaccessories for LEICAFLEX models withoutcontrolcam shouldnot be inserted in the LEICA R 4 s MOD P it coulddamage the camerabody Foruseon th...

Страница 43: ...mirror carefullywith a soft dry sable brush from which greaseis repeatedly removedwith ether before and during cleaning Forthecleaning operation itself the brushmustbe absolutely dry Take care not to damagethe focusing screenmechanically forinstance withthe mountof the brush Do not blow into the mirror chamber because this mayintroduce dustintothe interiorof the camera A cameralens acts as a burni...

Страница 44: ...ts the lens also againstaccidentalfinger marksandraindrops t ttofKusa t7 c4 pln Gamera cases Two everready cases one with a standard and one with a largefront areavailablefor the LEICAR 4 s MOD P Thefrontisdetach ableafterthe press stud on the back of the case has been pushed up for unlocking Thetwo versions of everreadycase can be used with the followinglenses Standard Everready case everready ca...

Страница 45: ...be switchedto 2fpsandto single frame ex posures All shutter speeds from 1 to 1 1000seccanbe used TheWINDER is poweredby 6 the DRIVE by 10commer ciallyavailable alkalimanganese batteries or NiOdrechargeable batteries MOTOR WINDER R 4 Code No 14282 MOTOR DRIVE R 4 Code No 14309 The LEICAR 4 s MOD P with WINDERor DRIVEcan be held more securely and comfortablewiththe handgripwithadjust able leatherloo...

Страница 46: ... the MOTOR WINDER R4 andto the MOTOR DRIVE R4 RCLEICA R CodeNo 14277 DBLE CAR4Databack The Databackpermitsthe inclusionof data in the picturedirectlyduringthe exposure Negatives or slidescan have the date of the exposureor a letter number codeincluded inthebottom right hand corner lt is thus possible for instance to numbera seriesof related exposuresconsecutively The databack canbeinserted intheLE...

Страница 47: ...fersthe basisfor optimum adaptation to anyphotographic task or situation The comprehensive rangeof lensesextendsfromthe fisheye to the zoomlens fromthe distortion free 15 mm ultra wide angleto the 800 mm telephoto lens 46 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 48: ...Z TRINOVID s are their superior optics Manufactured fromthe samehigh grade opticalglassastheworldrenowned Leica lenses theyexhibithighest opticalperfor mance tremendousresolution and top image brilliance The image retains plasticity evenunderpoorlighting condi tions Cameraspare parts Camerabodycover Carryingstrap Flashcontactcover Universal focusingscreen Focusingscreens Uniform groundglass screen...
