background image

Frequency bands : 2,4 - 2,4835 Ghz

Power level : < 100 mW

Usage temperature : +5°C - +45°C

Surface mounting box with 

membrane glands

1 gang

Control mechanism


ON/OFF wireless light switch module 

(battery included)

This product controls only «... with Netatmo» connected switches (with dimmer 

option), lighting micromodules and power o cable outlets.

LEGRAND - Pro and Consumer Service - BP 30076



Pack contents

This pack is a connected accessory which requires you to buy and install the connected 

starter pack and «... with Netatmo» connected power outlets, switches and/or connected 

lighting micromodules first.

PlexoTM - Wireless light switch (peripheral)

0 697 94

Do not power the product. Dry contact only.

 Fix the box on the wall, then install the membrane glands and the cover plate



Start to configure the installed products:


The indicator lights on the products which you have wired will turn green one by 




Take the Home/Away wireless switch near to the gateway power outlet Control 

and press the middle of the wireless switch until its light briefly turns green, and then 

stop pressing.

Remove the battery’s 

protective strip to 

power the auxiliary 

wireless switch

Briefly press on a button of the auxiliary wireless 

switch to activate it. The indicator lights will flash 

green and then switch off.


Do not install the auxiliary wireless swich in its box. The installation will be completed in 

steps 6 & 7.

Make sure that the indicator lights on the wired products are green and not 

flashing. If not, go back to step 1.

   Prepare the auxiliary wireless switch

     Pair the auxiliary wireless switch

     How to pair an auxiliary wireless switch ?

You can control only one light or appliance 

with the auxiliary wireless switch.

This product controls only switches, lighting 

micromodules, cable outlets and power outlets 

«... with Netatmo».

