This section explains how to use the command line interface (CLI) to administer the Legrand PDU.
CLI commands are case sensitive.
In This Chapter
About the Interface ............................................................................... 269
Logging in to CLI................................................................................... 269
The ? Command for Showing Available Commands............................ 271
Querying Available Parameters for a Command.................................. 272
Showing Information ............................................................................. 272
Clearing Information ............................................................................. 292
Configuring the Legrand PDU Device and Network ............................. 293
Load Shedding Configuration Commands............................................ 382
Power Control Operations .................................................................... 383
Actuator Control Operations ................................................................. 387
Unblocking a User ................................................................................ 388
Resetting the Legrand PDU.................................................................. 388
Network Troubleshooting...................................................................... 389
Retrieving Previous Commands ........................................................... 392
Automatically Completing a Command ................................................ 392
Logging out of CLI ................................................................................ 392
About the Interface
The Legrand PDU provides a command line interface that enables data center administrators to perform
some basic management tasks.
Using this interface, you can do the following:
Reset the Legrand PDU
Display the Legrand PDU and network information, such as the device name, firmware version, IP
address, and so on
Configure the Legrand PDU and network settings
Troubleshoot network problems
You can access the interface over a local connection using a terminal emulation program such as
HyperTerminal, or via a Telnet or SSH client such as PuTTY.
Note: Telnet access is disabled by default because it communicates openly and is thus insecure. To enable
Telnet, see
Changing Telnet Settings
(on page 163).
Logging in to CLI
Logging in via HyperTerminal over a local connection is a little different than logging in using SSH or Telnet.
If a security login agreement has been enabled, you must accept the agreement in order to complete the
login. Users are authenticated first and the security banner is checked afterwards.
Using the Command Line