1. Introduction
The main purpose of this dry contact card is to send the information about the abnormal events
happen in UPS to the other apparatus so that this equipment can understand the current situation and
act accordingly. This card provides six output relays and six input contacts. The UPS can install up to 2
dry contact cards. All output and input contacts are programmable, and user can define the definition
for each contact using setting tool.
The prevalent requirements of output information include: Mains input fault alarm, Bypass fault alarm,
Battery weak alarm, Output overload alarm so on and so forth.
The prevalent requirement of input information includes: Single shutdown, System shutdown, Single
start, System start, Transfer to bypass in single operation, Transfer to bypass in parallel operation,
EPO (Emergency shutdown).
The purpose of this manual is to provide indications for installing and using safely the LEGRAND dry
contact card 3 109 69.
It is essential that this manual is read through, but it is not a substitute for the expertise of the technical
personnel who must have had adequate preliminary training.
The dry contact card has been built for the applications specified in this manual. For no reason
whatsoever it is allowed a use for purposes other than those for which it has been designed, nor in
ways different to those explained in the manual.
This manual must be kept in a safe, dry place and always be available for consultation. We suggest
making a copy and filing it.
The manual is to be considered an integral part of the dry contact card and therefore must be kept for
the card’s useful life cycle.
The original text of this publication is in English and is the only reference for solving any interpretation
disputes related to the translation into other languages.
The information in this manual must not be disclosed to third parties. Any duplication, total or partial,
not authorized in writing by the Manufacturer violates the copyright conditions and can be prosecuted
by law.
LEGRAND reserves the property rights of this publication and forbids the total or partial reproduction of
it without prior written consent.
Guarantee terms
The guarantee conditions may vary depending on the country where the dry contact card is sold.
Check with your local LEGRAND sale representative for validity and duration.
In order to use the guarantee supplied by the Manufacturer the user must scrupulously comply with the
precautions indicated in the manual .
The Manufacturer declines all liabilities, direct and indirect, resulting from:
disregard for the instructions by the specialized technician and a use of the card different
from the one stated in the manual;
use by personnel who have not read and understood properly the contents of the manual;
a use failing to conform to the specific laws existing in the country of installation;
changes made to the equipment, operating logic or tampering;
repairs unauthorized by the Technical Service Assistance of LEGRAND;
damages caused by willful misconduct, gross negligence, exceptional events, fire or
infiltration of liquids.