www.kenall.com | P: 800-4-Kenall | F: 262-891-9701 | 10200 55th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144, USA
This product complies with the Buy American Act: manufactured in the United States with more than 50% of the component cost of US origin. It may be covered by patents
found at www.kenall.com/patents. Content of specification sheets is subject to change; please consult www.kenall.com for current product details. ©2019 Kenall Mfg.Co.
4. Connect weather tight electrical service to 1/2 or 3/4 conduit hole provided.
5. Connect electrical service:
Black- input line, 277-480VAC
White- Neutral
Copper- ground
6. Replace Wiring Cover and secure with wing nuts.
7. Close door and secure rotating latches.
Before beginning any service operation, be sure the power to the fixture is off.
To Replace an LED Driver:
1. Rotate latches and open door, which is retained by stainless steel cables.
2. Loosen wing nuts and remove Wiring Cover. See figure 2.
3. Loosen the cover retaining wing nuts to remove the driver retaining bracket so that driver can be removed
(see figure 3).
4. Replace the driver and secure by reversing steps 1-4 above.
Figure 3