In "addressable" mode, use the BTI interface module as shown in
the diagram below
IMPORTANT: beyond the BTI interface module, there should only b
e G5 VISION series emergency lighting units in
"addressable" mode.
To connect the BTI interface module, see its accompanying manua
l. A detailed installation and commissioning procedure is
described in the "Installation" section of the manual "Technica
l guide for a URAVISION installation". This manual also gives a
ll the
information on how to create mixed installations containing sta
ndard units and G5 VISION units in "automatic control" or
"addressable" mode..
"Automatic control" mode
Switch on the installation.
Check that the green LED is lit, and also the maintained tube o
f the combined units.
Leave the unit on charge for 1 hr and then switch off the mains
supply to the units.
Check that the emergency tube lights up.
Switch the installation back on.
"Addressable" mode
A detailed addressing, installation and commissioning procedure
is described in the "Installation" section of the manual
"Technical guide for a URAVISION installation".
• Commissioning the units and the interface module
As the supervision software is not running, switch on the insta
llation (BTI and emergency lighting units in "addressable" mode
If the green and yellow LEDs are flashing alternately (15 s.),
the BUS is not connected to the emergency lighting unit or the
have been reversed, check the BUS wiring.
Check that the green LED is lit, and also the maintained tube o
f the combined units (mains power present).
Check that the "battery charging" and BUS LEDs are lit on the B
TI interface module (mains power and voltage present on the BUS
• Commissioning the supervisory PC
Install the supervision software on the PC in accordance with t
he instructions in its accompanying manual.
Start up the supervision software and wait for it to scan all t
he units in the installation.
IMPORTANT: check the emergency lighting unit wiring. Any revers
ed wires between the mains power supply and the BUS
will cause irreversible damage to the emergency lighting units
and the BTI interface module.
Caution: if the wires between the power supply and the BUS are
reversed, the unit will be damaged permanently.