Step 5: Now, it is possible to put all batteries inside of unit by following below picture (in the following drawing are indicated the
fasten positions for the correct batteries placing).
: To install the second branch of batteries, repeat the same procedure on the right side of battery box.
Step 6: Use the wiring diagram in the next section of this manual to properly connect all batteries.
Step 7: Put all batteries inside with the metal plate.
: To install the second branch of batteries, repeat the same procedure on the right side of battery box.
Step 8: Put metal top cover back to the unit. Close the frontal fixing plate and the two parts of the front panel and secure it with
Step 9: Then, connect the battery box to the UPS.
Battery Box 72V
Step 1 : Open the package and place the battery box on a horizontal plane.
Step 2: Remove the removable front panel part by pulling it from the lower extremity
Step 3: Remove the metal top cover of the battery box by unscrewing 8 screws present on the two sides (4 on the right side
and 4 on the left side), 3 screws on the top and 4 screws on the back side.