Shenzhen Legevo Technology Co.,Ltd.
address and port is and 344, send SMS “ip” to the
tracker. It will reply “set IP address and PORT ok.”. After this, device will send GPS data to
this IP and Port.
18. Set Device ID number
This command uses only for GPRS communication. Default device ID is the same. In order
to identify device for platform, must set device ID for every device. Send SMS
tracker ID number”
to the tracker. For example “number13612345678”.
19. Set APN
In order to send GPS data to
IP address, you still must set mobile network Access Point
Name (APN). If you don’t know the APN, you can consult local network service supplier.
The format of set APN is
“APN + paspace + apn value”
. For example you send
SMS “apn123456 cmnet” to the device. The device will reply SMS “Set APN ok.” .
20. Set GPRS user name and password
Some country must be set GPRS user name and password for GPRS communication. The
format of set GPRS user name and password is “
user + space + GPRS user name + space
+ GPRS password
”. For example, “user name 123456”, “user” is command, “name” is
GPRS user name, “123456” is GPRS password. After send SMS, tracker will reply “Set
GPRS User and Password ok . ” .
21. Set country time zone
In the default, tracker reply position SMS time is UTC time. After you can set zone time,
tracker will reply the time of your country. The format is “
zone + pa space +
time zone value
”. For example, “zone123456 8” is set east 8 time zone. Time zone value
ranges from -12 to 12. One time zone stands for one hour. “zone123456 -8” is set west 8
time zone. After send SMS, tracker will reply “Set Time Zone OK.”.
22. Set ACC open and close send data interval
You can set the interval of send data when ACC open and close. The format of set ACC
open interval is “
accon + time interval”
. For example “accon 30” stand for when ACC
open send data for every 30 seconds. The format of set ACC close interval is “
time interval”
. For example “accoff 60” stand for when ACC close send data for every
60 seconds.