Encryption Key Link
Power Switch
Power LED
A slide switch (located on the outside bottom of the unit)
which turns battery power on and off.
The Power LED glows green when the battery is good and
the ON/OFF switch is ON. The lamp will glow red as the
battery voltage drops and finally flashes when there is
about 30 minutes of operation left with the recommended
alkaline battery. A NiMh battery will give little or no warning
when it is depleted. If you wish to use NiMh batteries in the
unit, we recommend trying fully charged batteries, noting
the length of time that the batteries will run the unit and in
the future use somewhat less than that time to determine
when the battery needs to be replaced. A weak battery will
sometimes light the POWER LED to the “good” green
indication immediately after being put in the unit, but will
soon discharge to the point where the LED will go red or
shut down, just like a flashlight with “dead” batteries. If the
lamp fails to light, the battery should be replaced.
This jack is used to connect the transmitter to the receiver
to generate an encryption key. Since this handheld transmitter doesn’t have a mic connector, this jack is provided to
interconnect with the receiver using a special cable for key
generation. Please refer to the receiver manual for further
The UT700 is unique among 700 series transmitters in that
its audio LEDs are located under a cover and often aren’t
visible. Because of this, the blink code indicating the
current operating mode is issued using the power LED
instead of the audio LEDs.
The UT700 can be placed in a locked mode where neither
the power switch nor the frequency switches have any
further effect on operation. This protects the unit from
accidental poweroff or misadjustment after it has been
prepared for use.
To enter locked mode, toggle the power switch off and on again rapidly three times. (Each toggle must take no longer
than two seconds and no more than ten seconds may elapse between successive toggles.) During the first two
toggles, the power LED will behave normally, blinking slowly red while the switch is in the off position to warn that the
power will go off, then returning to normal battery status indication when the switch is on again. After the third toggle,
the power LED will go out briefly, then blink the code that indicates the current mode (in red, indicating locked mode),
just as it does when the unit is first powered on. This blink code reprise (in red) serves as a confirmation that the
switches are now locked.
Locked mode can be cleared by removing the battery. Note that removing the battery bypasses the normal delayed
poweroff circuit, so it may cause noise at the receiver.
Audio Level LEDs
-20 -10
Frequency Switches
Coarse Fine
Audio Level