1 Intended Use
The Leckey Corner sitter is intended for
children with disabilities from the age of
11/2 -14. It can be used for long sitting
which aids the therapeutic stretching of the
ham strings. The Corner Sitter also provides
minimal support for the pelvis and lower
spine to promote sitting balance and
function for the trunk and extremities
from a sitting position.
2 Declaration of Conformity
James Leckey Design Ltd. as manufacturer
with sole responsibility declares that the
Corner Sitter conforms to the requirements
of the 93/42/EEC Guidelines and EN12182
Technical aids for disabled persons. General
requirements and test methods.
3 Terms of Warranty
The warranty applies only when
the product is used according to the
specified conditions and for the intended
purposes, following all manufacturers’
recommendations (also see general terms
of sales, delivery and payment). A two
year warranty is provided on all Leckey
manufactured products and components.
4 Product History Record
Your Leckey product is classified as a Class
1 Medical device and as such should only
be prescribed, set up or reissued for use
by a technically competent person who
has been trained in the use of this product.
Leckey recommend that a written record is
maintained to provide details of all setups,
reissue inspections and annual inspections
of this product.
5 Product Training Record
(Parents, Teachers & Carers)
Your Leckey product is a prescribed Class
1 Medical Device and as such Leckey
recommend that parents, teachers and
carers using the equipment should be made
aware of the following sections of this user
manual by a technically competent person:
Section 6
Safety Information
Section 8
Clinical setup for postural management
& daily use
Section 10
Daily Product Inspection
Leckey recommend that a written record is
maintained of all those who have trained in
the correct use of this product.