When you call the device by the set mobile phone NO., the device will start monitor automatic.
The caller will hear the voice from the device.
When the calls are not from the set phone NO., the device can’t be in the monitoring state.
Format: monitor,00000000000#
If the setup is successful, the device will reply you “Montior number set successfully!”
Note: 1. Before you using this function, you need setup mobile phone NO. for monitoring first.
2. The SIM card put in the device need has call screening function
IX .Login GPS service platform
Platform website:
If you already have your account information to login the platform, you can go into the back-end server directly.
Otherwise, please contact your provider to give you the account and password. When you login the platform
website, please input the account and the password, then you can see the online tracking information.
1. If the device couldn’t be on line in the tracking platform after you keep the power on, please check the
problems as below:
1) Please according to the specification to check whether the SIM card is installed correctly.
2) Please make sure the LED indicator light condition is right. When it is functioning normally, the GSM indicator
lighting-on time is 0.1S, and on GPS indicator lighting-off time is 2S.
3) Please check whether the GPS has been located in the platform. If not, please put the device in outside with
good signal reception.
2. If the device is showing off line on the platform, please check the problems as below:
1) Check LED indicator light condition is right.
2) Whether the charge of SIM card is overdue.
3) Whether SIM card open GPRS function.
4) Query the parameter Setting. Check serial number of the equipment, and the interval of GPRS upload time is