LaVie purification system user manual
V.1.1 08/28/19
Before first use
Remove the packaging and rinse LaVie bottle with clear water to eliminate potential
manufacturing residual.
Instructions for use
1. Set LaVie case on a stable surface near an electrical outlet.
2. Connect the DC adapter to LaVie case with the USB-C socket located on the back the case.
Unwind the power cord and plug into the electrical outlet. The base of the unit emits a green
light that flashes three times to indicate compatibility with the DC adapter (Figure 1). In case
of prolongated red flashes, please refer to the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS section.
Figure 1: Before switching on (left)
Green flashes during switching on (middle)
When flashes stop, LaVie is ready for use
3. Unscrew the LaVie bottle cap (turn anticlockwise). Fill the LaVie bottle with tap water then
screw the cap (turn clockwise). Make sure the LaVie bottle is tightly closed and that no liquid
can escape.
4. Place LaVie bottle in the case. An integrated sensor automatically detects the bottle and
LEDs turn on, emitting a blue light all along the case (Figure 2). The purification cycle starts.
Note: removing the bottle from the case during the purification cycle stops the treatment.