Note: Pt = Pitot and Ps = Static
The model 6500 is a high accuracy automated pressure controller, specifically designed for
controlling air data parameters such as altitude, airspeed, Mach and climb. This instrument
can also be used to control pressures in units of inHg and mbar. The 6500 requires external
vacuum and pressure supplies in order for it to perform the control function.
The 6500 has two high accuracy transducers that measure pressure in the range of 0 to 38
inHg absolute on the Ps (static) output, and 0 to 100 inHg absolute on the Pt (pitot) output.
These transducers are designed to accurately measure the pressure of dry air over an ambient
temperature range of 0
C to 50
C. The 6500 is fully RVSM compliant.
The 6500 allows the user to control altitude in feet or meters, climb in feet per minute or
meters per minute, airspeed in knots, mach, mph and kmph. It also allows the user to control
EPR on the pitot output.
The model 6500 features programmable limits on altitude, airspeed, mach number, and climb
rate. These limits are checked during data entry and thereby prohibit entry of erroneous
target values. These limits are also checked continuously during operation, and if any of these
is exceeded, the unit automatically takes abortive action.
The user has the ability to program into the 6500 a profile of set-points to be controlled in a
sequence. Once such a profile has been setup, the user can command the unit to move from
one set-point to the next simply by pushing the 'GO' button. Up to 50 points can be stored in
one profile. The 6500 can store up to 20 such profiles in non-volatile memory at any one time.
Calibration of the unit is required only once a year. This process is the only scheduled
maintenance function required on the 6500.
The model 6500 comes with an RS232 interface. This interface is mainly used to download
profiles from a computer. The high accuracy of the 6500 and its ease of use make it the ideal
Air Data Controller for an instrument shop.