LAVA International Limited
Once you enter this menu, there is a monthly-view
calendar for you to keep track of important
appointments, etc. Days with events entered will be
3 Tasks
Choosing data, call or anniversary to create new
memo, which you can view, add, edit, delete, delete
overdue task, delete all, jump to date, send route
and saved as file. If you have set the alarm for the
memo, alarm will sound when time is up, the content
of memo will display at the same time.
4 Alarm
Five alarm clocks are set but deactivated by default.
You can activate one, multiple or all of them as
needed. For each alarm clock, the ringing date and
the ringing time can be set.
5 World Clock
Access this menu to view time of main cities in
various time zones.
6 Torch
Select on or off as you needed.
7 Calculator
The calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide.
To use the calculator:
Press the up, down, left and right key to select
, ×, ÷,
Press right soft key to delete the figure.
8 Stopwatch
Stopwatch is simple application for measuring time
with possibility to register several results and
suspend/resume measurement.
9 Ebook reader
E-book reader enables you to read TXT file.
Through the USB connecting line putting files to
E-book folder of phone or T-Flash card. After
finishing downloading, you can find the folder and
open the E-book to read text directly.
3.8 Games
Three games are embedded in this menu. For
specific operation, please refer to
„help‟ option of
each game.