STM8 Debugger
©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH
command is the first command of a debug session where communication with the
target is required. If you receive error messages like “debug port fail” or “debug port time out” while executing
this command, this may have the reasons below. “target processor in reset” is just a follow-up error
Open the
window to display all error messages.
If the target has no power or the debug cable is not connected to the target, this results in the
error message “target power fail”.
Did you select the correct core type
There is an issue with the SWD interface. Maybe there is the need to set jumpers on the target to
connect the correct signals to the SWD connector.
The target is in an unrecoverable state. Re-power your target and try again.
The core is kept in reset.
There is a watchdog which needs to be deactivated.
Error Message
target power fail
See below.
target processor in reset
See below.
Target is not connected
or the SWD Interface is
returning an error.
The debugger expects to receive a
confirmation for each command sent to
the target. An error occurs in case the
confirmation is not received.
The number of
bytes in memory is not a
multiple of the access
No special event
Internal error, please consult your
Lauterbach representative.
not aligned to access
No special event
Internal error, please consult your
Lauterbach representative.
Invalid memory access
bytes (@
No special event
Internal error, please consult your
Lauterbach representative.
Memory access timeout:
Reading from
No special event
Corrupted JTAG connection. Check
JTAG hardware and settings.