BST-560 User Manual for Battery Tester
Operate accordingly to increase the engine rotating speed to 2500turns, and
keep for 5 seconds.
Tester starts the charging volt test after increase rev detected.
After the test finished, tester displays the effective charging volts, ripple test
result and charging test result.
: If no increase rev detected, it shall be the fault of generator regulator or
connection with battery failed. Tester will try 3 times to further detect, if still
failed, it will skip the increase rev detect and the test result displays "No Volt
Check the connection between generator and battery, then retest.
3.5.1Charging Test Result
1) Charging Volt: Normal
Charging system shows the generator output normal, no problem detected.
2) Charging Volt: Low
Charging volt of the charging system is low.
Check drive belt of the generator whether slip or running off. Check the