ECP5 and ECP5-5G Hi
h-Speed I/O Interface
Analysis for Hi
h Speed DDR Interfaces
It is recommended that the user run Static Timing Analysis in the software for each of the high speed interfaces.
This section describes the timing preferences to used for each type of interface and the expected trace results. The
preferences can either be entered directly in the .lpf file or through the Design Planner graphical user interface.
The External Switching Characteristics section of DS1044,
ECP5 and ECP5-5G Family Data Sheet
should be used
along with this section. The data sheet specifies the actual values for these constraints for each of the interfaces.
Frequency Constraints
It is required that the user explicitly specify FREQUENCY (or PERIOD) PORT preferences to all input clocks in the
design. This preference may not be required if the clock is generated out of a PLL or DLL or is input to a PLL or
DDR Input Setup and Hold Time Constraints
All of the Receive (RX) interfaces, both x1 and x2 can be constrained with setup and hold preference.
Receive Centered Interface
Figure 19 below shows the Data and Clock relationship for a Receive Centered Interface. The clock is centered to
the data, so it comes into the devices with a setup and hold time.
Figure 19. RX Centered Interface Timing
Note: tSUGDDR = Setup Time, tHOGDDR = Hold Time
In this case the user must specify in the software preference the amount of setup and hold time available. These
parameters are listed in Figure 19 as tSU_GDDRX1/2 and tHO_GDDRX1/2. These can be directly provided using
the INPUT_SETUP and HOLD preference as –
Data = Input Data Port
Clock = Input Clock Port
The external Switching Characteristics section of DS1044,
ECP5 and ECP5-5G Family Data Sheet
setup and hold time required for each of the high speed interfaces running at MAX speed. These values can be
picked up from the data sheet if the interface is running at MAX speed.