NEW 5/18
1. Place the Heat er on a firm, lev el surface, after assembling
per this manual.
Plastic or rubber tabs, like the feet on this unit, may stick to
furniture surfaces and/or hardwood floors. The unit may leave a
res i due that could dark en, stain or leave permanent blem ish es on
the finish of cer tain furniture surfaces, including wood surfaces,
and/or hardwood floors.
2. Plug the cord set into a 120 volt out let.
Be sure that the plug fits tightly into outlet.
When plugs fit loosely into re cep ta cles, they may
slip partially or com plete ly out of the re cep ta cle
with only the slight move ment of the attached cord.
Re cep ta cles in this con di tion may over heat and
pose a se ri ous fire haz ard; if cov ered by a cur tain
or drape, the fire haz ard is even greater.
3. When the Heat
er is ini tial ly plugged in, there will be a “beep”
and the
Pow er Light
will come on indicating that there is pow er
to the unit. The
Power Light
will re main lit un til the Heater is
un plugged from the elec tri cal out let.
(Fig ure 1)
4. Turn the Heat er ON by press ing the
Pow er But ton
( ).
5. Press the ( ) and ( ) but tons at the same time to change the
dis play to ° Cel sius. Press the same two but tons to geth er again
to change the display back to ° Fahr en heit.
6. Upon turn
ing the Heat er on, the unit will be in HIGH heat (1500
(Fig ure 1)
7. Press the ( ) but ton for LOW heat.
8. To turn the Heat er OFF, press the
Pow er Button
( ) and un plug
the Heat er from the elec tri cal out let.
Pressing the
Oscillation Button
) will al low the Heat er to os cil-
late back and forth. To stop the os cil la tion, press the
Os cil la tion
But ton
) again. When the Heater is in Automatic Tem per a ture
Control, the oscillation function will stop when the set tem per a ture
is reached and resume when the Heater turns back on.
(Figure 2)
The timer function may be activated when the Heater display is in
any function or speed. This func tion al lows you to set the length
of time the Heat er will run be fore turning itself off, from 1 hour to
8 hours. Pressing the
Timer But ton
( ) will increase the length of
time by 1 hour each time this button is pressed. After the display
reflects 8 hours, press ing the
Timer But ton
( ) once more will re set
the Heat er to run con tin u ous ly. The Heater will turn off when the
set time has elapsed. The unit can be turned back on by pressing
Power But ton
( ).
Timer Function in
Low Heat
Timer Function in
High Heat and Au to mat ic
Tem per a ture Control
Fig ure 2
Figure 3
Display reflects High Heat and
Automatic Temperature Control Function
Display when initially turned on
Figure 1
(Figure 3)
The automatic temperature function will only operate on "High"
heat. You cannot set the temperature automatically when the
unit is in the low heat mode.
1. To set the room at a specific temperature press the ( ) or ( )
buttons to the desired temperature. The display will now reflect
the ( ) and the temperature will be flashing. The Heater is now
in Auto Temperature Mode.
2. When you reach the temperature at which you want to set the
unit, the set temperature will flash several times and then the
display will return to indicate the current room temperature and
will gradually change as the room temperature changes. NOTE:
the temperature display does not indicate the temperature of
the heated air being emitted by the heater.
3. Once the room temperature reaches 2 degrees above the set
temperature, the Heater will shut off. Once the room tempera-
ture reaches 1 degree below the set tem per a ture, the Heater
will turn back on and continue to cycle off and on to maintain
the set temperature.
4. This function will cancel if the ( ) button is pressed. The Heater
will now be in High heat and run continuously.
It is normal for the Heater “fan” to run for approximately 15
sec onds when the Heater shuts off after reaching the set tem per a ture.
NEW 5/18
1. Arme la base enclavando las
en los
para Protuberancias
(Figura 2)
3. Alinee el
Conjunto de la Base
con el
Conjunto de Soporte de
. Cerciórese de que la
Muesca de Ubicación
en el
Conjunto de Soporte de Columna
quede alineada con la
en el
Conjunto de la Base (Figura 4)
. Una el
Conjunto de la Base
Conjunto de Soporte de Columna
con (4) tornillos M5 X 13
mm. Jale suavemente el
Cable Eléctrico
para que no quede
holgado, y colóquelo en el
Canal Para Cable
Conjunto de
la Base
(Figura 5)
2. Fije las mitades de la base con (2) tornillos M4 X 13 mm. Pase el
Cable Eléctrico
por el gran orificio que se encuentra del
de la Base
Canal Para Cable
en la parte inferior de la
base debe estar hacia la parte posterior del Calentador.
(Figura 3)
(Figuras 1 a 5)
Herramientas Necesarias: Destornillador de Cabeza #2 Phillips
(no incluido)
Retire cuidadosamente el Calentador de su bolsa y caja.
Para facilitar el armado, coloque el Calentador de manera que la
parrilla frontal y el panel de control den hacia arriba.
Figura 1
Tamaño Real De Tornillos
(4) - M5 X 13mm
(2) - M4 X 13mm
Figura 4
Muesca de
Figura 2
Conjunto de
la Base
Conjunto de
Soporte de
Figura 5
Canal Para
Conjunto de
la Base
Canal Para
Figura 3