Manual: Laserworld Proline Series
page 10 / 36
10 - zoom
0 - 10
no zoom
11 - 87
manual zoom
88 - 150
automatic zoom in with increasing speed
151 - 200
automatic zoom out with increasing speed
201 - 255
automatic zoom in and out (in turns)
11 - X rotation
0 - 128
manual positioning
129 - 255
automatic movement
12 - Y rotation
0 - 128
manual positioning
129 - 255
automatic movement
13 - Z rotation
0 - 128
manual positioning
129 - 192
anticlockwise movement with increasing speed
193 - 255
clockwise movement with increasing speed
14 - drawing
0 - 74
manual drawing
75 - 104
automatic drawing with increasing speed
105 - 144
automatic reduction with increasing speed
145 - 184
automatic drawing and reduction with increa-
sing speed
185 - 255
automatic two-sided reduction
15 - Y wave
0 - 10
no effect
11 - 69
small wave effect with increasing speed
70 - 129
medium wave effect with increasing speed
130 - 189
large wave effect with increasing speed
190 - 255
wave effect II
15 - X wave
0 - 10
no effect
11 - 69
small wave effect with increasing speed
70 - 129
medium wave effect with increasing speed
130 - 189
large wave effect with increasing speed
190 - 255
wave effect II
Attention! The following channel only work if the laser is in static DMX mode (Channel 1 at value 150 - 199)!
2 - pattern selection
0 - 255
pattern selection
Please note that not each pattern can be combined with each effect.
To use the grating effects in ILDA mode, additional DMX control is necessary.