User manual: CS-250RGY
Rev: 02/2009
page7 of 8
Trouble shooting
No beam: emergency switch/dongle not connected.
Low output: clean mirrors/window
Musicmode not working: wrong DIP switch setting
Sensitivity too low
No DMX control: wrong DIP switch setting
ILDA connected
Laser does not switch to ILDA mode:
The interface does not connect pins 4 and 17 (Interlock) of the IDLA signal. See
interface manual
The cable does not connect pins 4 and 17. Use a cable that connects pins 4 and 17.
Use an adapter that connects pins 4 and 17.
Please note
This device has left our premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to maintain
this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary for the user
to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this user manual.
Laserworld cannot be made liable for damages caused by incorrect installations and
unskilled operation!