Manual / Bedienungsanleitung: CS-1500 RGB
Version Jan-11
4 / 10
DMX control
Mode: 0-63 laser off; 64-127 sound mode; 128-191 animated
sound mode (see above); 210-255 DMX mode
Pattern, 0-82 static patterns, 83-92 characters, 93-95 dancing
anim., 96-98 heart anim., 99-255 dynamic patterns
Effect channel: Strobe (8 levels)
Horizontal movement: 0 no effect; 1-167 (fixed) movement; 168-
188 animated movement left to right with increasing speed; 189-
209 dto. Right to left; 210-255 dto. left to right and back
Vertical movement: analogous to hor. movem.
Zoom: 0-10 no effect; 11-109 increasing size; 110-154 growing
with increasing speed; 155-204 dto. shrinking; 205-255 dto.
Width (rotation about y): 0-150 fixed rotation; 151-255 automatic
rotation with incr. speed
Height (rot. About X): analogous to width
Rotation: 0-180 fixed rotation; 181-217 automatic with incr.
speed clockwise; 218-255 do. counter clockwise
Blanking: 0-63 no effect; 64-127 points are brighter; 128-191
dashed lines; 192-255 points only
Wave0-10 no effect, 11-200 frequency, 201-255 amplitude
Colour: 0-19: white; etc. 6 colours 139-188 rainbow static;
189-248 rainbow moving; 249-255 colour change
Please note that not all effect channels are available for all patterns. E.g. you can’t zoom dynamic patterns, etc.
Channel 3 (strobe) is also available in soundmode (channel 1 64-191).
ILDA mode
When an ILDA compatible interface is connected to the laser, the laser is automatically switched to ILDA mode.
Output is then controlled by a PC running laser control software. The scanners are set for ca. 10000 PPS at 20-
25° optical. When running faster, reduce image size/scan angle.
Maintenance / cleaning
Always disconnect from the mains when the device is not in use or before cleaning it.
Open the device by removing top cover, remove 8 screws. Remove any deposits of dust, especially at the fan.
Check for condensed fog fluid inside. If so, clean and rearrange the position of laser and or hazer.
Mirrors need
cleaning when a “halo” is noticeable around the beam or an unusual high amount of diffuse light can be seen
inside the device.
Clean the mirrors with window cleaner and a paper towel.
Never look directly into the light source. Always disconnect from the mains when the device is not
in use or before cleaning it.
Possible cause
No function / fan not working
Check mains connection
Effects don’t change to the beat of the music
Adjust sensitivity with the dial on the back.
Check if device isn’t in DMX or autom. mode
Problems with DMX control
Check DMX address selection
Device not working, but fan working
Turn device off for ca. 1 minute.
Laser does not switch to ILDA mode:
The interface does not connect pins 4 and 17 (Interlock) of the IDLA signal. See interface manual
The cable does not connect pins 4 and 17. Use a cable that connects pins 4 and 17.
Use an adapter that connects pins 4 and 17.