10. Rigging the Vang
Laser Standard Models
Rigging the Vang
Laser Race Models
. Locate the vang line from the delivery kit
line bag. Retrieve the two vang blocks and
vang key from the delivery kit.
. Take the smaller of the two vang blocks
and remove the pin and ring. Insert the
vang key and secure with the pin and ring
(fi gure 64). Hook the key into the vang slot
on the underside of the boom (fi gure 65).
. Use the provided pin and ring to attach
the larger of the two vang blocks to the vang
tang, located below the gooseneck on the
mast (fi gure 66). Make sure that the cleat is
on the bottom side of the block.
. Take one end of the vang line and tie a
bowline to the becket on the small vang
block on the boom (fi gure 67).
. Lead the line to the forward vang block
and through the upper sheave of the large
vang block on the mast (fi gure 68).
. Lead the line back up and around the
small vang block on the boom and back
down to the large mast vang block
(fi gure 69).
. Lead the line around the inner block and
down through the teeth of the cleat located
on the underside of the block (fi gure 70). Tie
off the free end of the line with a bowline
(fi gure 71).
complete vang
fi gure 71
fi gure 64 | becket
fi gure 65
vang key
sm vang block
fi gure 66| cleat, vang tang
fi gure 67
fi gure 68 | upper sheave
fi gure 69
fi gure 70
Check the items in the pack and lay them
on the deck (fi gure 72).
. Fit the bottom vang fi tting onto the lower
mast vang plate.You will need to use
a screwdriver and pliers (fi gure 73).
. Take the grey rope (Spec 12) and dead end
one end to the top single pulley block (fi gure
74). Put block into boom vang fi tting (fi gure
. Take the other end of the grey line and
thread it through the middle pulley of the
bottom vang, from top to bottom (fi gure 76).
en take it through the top block, from
bottom to top (fi gure 77). Attach the end of
the grey line to the shackle of the double
pulley block using the dead end method
(fi gure 78).
. Take the blue line (5 mm Excel Racing)
and dead end one end to the bottom of the
double block (fi gure 79). With the other end,
thread it through the starboard side pulley
block on the bottom vang fi tting from top to
bottom (fi gure 80). Th
en thread it through
the double pulley block on the starboard
side, from bottom to top (fi gure 81).
: Starboard side is the righthand side of the boat
when facing towards the bow, i.e. front of the boat.
. Take the rope to the bottom vang fi tting
and thread it through the port side pulley
block from top to bottom (fi gure 82). Take
it back up to the double pulley block and
thread it through the port side pulley, from
bottom to top (fi gure 83).
. Now take the rope down to the bottom
vang fi tting, thread it through the last cen-
tral pulley, remove from top to bottom and
pass it through the metal eye (fi gure 84).
. Lastly pass the rope through the vang
cleat and make a rope handle near the cleat.
Leave a long tail on the rope (fi gure 85).
. Dead end the end of the rope on the
centerboard as shown. Th
is will allow you
to easily grab hold of the vang rope while
sailing (fi gure 86).
fi gure 72
fi gure 85
fi gure 74
fi gure 76
fi gure 78
fi gure 73
fi gure 75
fi gure 79
fi gure 80
fi gure 81
fi gure 77
fi gure 82
fi gure 83
fi gure 86
fi gure 84
Fogh Marine | 416 251-0384 | www.foghmarine.com | [email protected]