MP4-T9-4GBK User Manual
Display setting
: Back light
time, Brightness adjust, back
light mode, carton effect,
photo browse,
Backlight time
: 5 seconds,
10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20
seconds, 30 seconds and
always on.
: 1X,2X,3X,4X,5X,
The smaller of the number,
the brighter of the brightness.
Back light mode
: Full dark
screen and half dark screen
Carton effect
: Off, From left to right, up to down, Jalousie, From inside to
outside and rotate.
Photo browse
: Off, 2 seconds, 5 seconds,8 seconds
System settings
: In this setting there are 5 items: fi rmware upgrade, restorable
system, screen calibration, Vibration, transfer screen
: Click the System Restore option, there will be a dialogue “whether
restore system to default status “ Click YES, the player will restore the default
: Click the center of three “†” for two series. The calibration will be
completed and it will exit automatically(Remark: After calibrating the screen, you
should turn off normally, the action will be saved)
: On and off (After the closure of this vibration, there will be no shock
when touching the touch)
Clock setting
: Time setting, date setting
a. click time setting to enter into clock setting interface, then click
left/right icon to set hour/minute, click YES after setting
b. Click date setting to enter into clock setting interface, then click
left/right icon to set Year/month/date, click YES after setting
: Simple Chinese, English, Traditional Chinese
System information
: The local capacity status, manufacture name and TF card
capacity, which is read-only information
Auto Shut time
: 3 minutes,5 minutes,10 minutes,15 minutes, 20 minutes and
no automatic shut
Insert TF card
Insert TF card to the player, when popping, then push TF card to exit.
TF card connect with computer
Under inserting TF card, when the player connects the computer, there will be
two mobile disk, now you can operate these two disk as the other mobile disk.
Disconnect the player with computer
Enter into “Explorer” interface, there will be two option, “Inside Memory” and “TF
card”, directly double click “TF Card” option. It will show all fi les of the TF card,
double click the fi le to play.
Can be used to set unit back to factory settings
MP4-T9-4GBK_user_manual.indd 8-9
11/09/2009 9:55:25 AM