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Start Acquisition
To stop and start the acquisition, press the ACQ (0) button. If cursor calculations are
enabled, the cursors and current calculation will be displayed when the acquisition is
Rolling Display
At slow timebases the trace will travel across the display until it reaches the right
hand side, whereupon the waveform will start scrolling to the left as new data is
added to the right (Stripchart mode). Press the Acquire button (0) to manually
start/stop the stripchart display.
Y-scale (Range) setting
Press the up arrow (8) button to increase the sensitivity (make the waveform taller).
Press the down arrow (2) button to decrease the sensitivity.
The Y-Scale can also be set by pressing Menu, scrolling down to Y Scale and
pressing Enter to select, then choosing the desired sensitivity.
The chosen setting is displayed on the screen and represents the magnitude per
division on the vertical axis.
The available ranges are dictated by the type of head connected.
Trigger setting
Trigger Level
In order that the display always starts at the same point in the waveform, a trigger
point is set to tell the meter when to start drawing the waveform. For all but the very
slow timebases it will be necessary to set the vertical trigger level correctly to
produce a stable display.
When the instrument is not triggered, ‘No trig’ is shown at the top of the display.
Once the trigger has been correctly set and the instrument has ‘locked on’ to the
waveform, ‘Trig’ is shown.
Horizontal trigger adjustment is also provided so that the display can be moved to
the left or right. The meter is able to display information that occurred before the
trigger point as well as after.