MK715x1 Remote Controller Application
Quick Reference Guide
Environment Settings
3. Environment Settings
This chapter explains how to set up the environment for running the MK715x1 remote controller application. This
document describes the write procedure using nRF Connect Programmer.
3.1. Installing nRF Connect Programmer
Go to the following URL and install nRF Connect for Desktop. J-Link Device Driver will also be installed at the same time.
Once the installation is complete, start nRF Connect and install Programmer.
3.2. Updating MK715x1 Software
Connect the devices as shown below.
Start nRF Connect Programmer and write the software in the following procedure.
Select device: Select J-Link Lite that is connected
Add HEX file: Select a hex file (*.hex) of the remote controller application program (*)
Execute [Erase & write]
(*) The HEX files are available from the following LAPIS Technorogy's support site by selecting "MK715x1 Software
Development Kit" in the Bluetooth low energy-related section.