Doppler Ultrasonic Flowmeter DF6100 Manual
location where the transducers are mounted.
Up to 10 linearization points may be entered. The microprocessor will perform a linear interpolation
between data points entered in the linearization table and apply the associated correction factor to the
measured flow rate.
Start by entering the number of linearization points to be entered at the NUM PTS prompt. If a value
of 00 is entered, linearization is disabled.
The unit will then prompt for FREQ 1 to be entered. Enter the measured frequency corresponding to
the flow rate for the first point. This can be obtained by running actual flow with the DISPLAY
mode set to DIAG and reading the measured frequency, or by calculating the frequency if the flow
rate in feet per second is known using the following formulas:
Clamp-On or symmetrically insertion Transducer:
Freq = Velocity (FPS) × 80 Hz
Insertion Probe Transducer:
Freq = Velocity (FPS) × 80 Hz
The unit will then prompt for COEFF 1 to be entered. This is the value that the measured flow rate
will be multiplied by at this point.
Enter the coefficient or correction factor to be applied. The value entered must be between 0.5 and
Repeat this procedure for all of the linearization points. When all of the points have been entered, the
unit will return to the NUM PTS prompt. Press the Menu key to return to the main menu LINEAR
prompt. Then using the arrow keys, move to the next setup parameter.
In order to measure accurately, should wait for 2-5 minutes when meter starts to work, read the
reading after display reading stable.
Need to go in setting state, please press ENTER key.
Refresh total flow only when run state.