[End key]
End a call.
Hold down this key to turn on/off your mobile phone.
In other cases, pressing this key will make the phone
return to idle mode.
[Left Soft Key]
Performs the function of the prompt displayed at lower
left corner of the screen.
[Right soft key]
Performs the function of the prompt displayed at lower
right corner of the screen.
Press to return to the previous page when in the
In idle screen, press the RSK to access Call logs.
[OK Key]
The OK Key to enter the menu that has been selected.
[Number Keys]
Number keys are used to input numbers, letters and
special characters.
They can also be used as shortcut keys to quickly
access the options within a menu.
[* key]
Press this key repeatedly when the phone is idle to
switch among “*”, “+”,“P”, “W” in turn.
[# key]
Hold down this key when the phone is idle to switch
between Meeting mode and the current profile.
Press this key to switch between different language input
modes when in edit mode.
[Navigation key]
The key is split into 4 directional keys: up, down, left
and right. Move the cursor up, down, left and right in edit