- 72 / 79 -
DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
FLS 106 IC set / FLS 106 PCB set
Information on How to Operate the FLS 106 Scanner
Checking the Measuring Set-Up before Each Use
A visual check of the scanner, attachments, measuring devices, DUT and cable guides should be
performed before each measurement. Should any damage be discovered, this has to be eliminated
before putting the scanner into service. Contact Langer EMV-Technik GmbH (chapter 24).
Adjusting the Exact Height of the Probe Tip above the DUT
In many cases, the distance between the probe tip and the DUT has to be set exactly.
The following instructions will help you make the necessary adjustments:
1. Act with particular circumspect and care. The probe tips
– in particular the tips of ICR
probes are very sensitive and can be easily damaged if the scanner is not adjusted
2. Position the probe at a safe height above the desired location.
3. Place the prism (Figure 109) alongside the desired location. The slanted surface of the
prism acts as a mirror that allows you to observe the vertical distance between the probe
tip and DUT surface with the DM-CAM. The DM-CAM has to be adjusted so that the
vertical distance between the probe tip and DUT can be clearly recognised by means of
the prism.
4. Move the probe down in suitable increments until it reaches the desired height. While
doing so, always observe the distance between the probe tip and DUT with the DM-CAM
and readjust the camera's focus as required.
5. The smaller the distance between the probe tip and DUT, the smaller the increment
should be. The smallest adjustable increment is 20 µm.
6. The DUT must be aligned parallel to the scanner's T-slot table to prevent the probe tip
from touching the DUT's surface during horizontal movements, especially if the distance
between the probe tip and DUT is very small.
7. We recommend that the probe's further downward movement be blocked once the
desired height has been reached. The positioning commands can be deactivated in the
ChipScan-Scanner software menu under "Settings" -> "Scanner" -> "Vertical Motion" for
this purpose.
Figure 109: Prism to monitor the distance between DUT and probe tip