Tilt
Store
Installation
Manual
➢
Mounting
2x6
Ledger
Board
to
Stud
Wall
Important:
Make
sure
you
check
with
your
construction
expert
to
make
sure
you
mounting
to
a
wall
of
high
quality.
1.
Use
a
stud
finder
to
locate
the
studs
you
will
be
mounting
to.
2.
Mark
each
2x6
for
drilling.
Use
lag
bolts
along
with
flat
washers
to
mount
every
2x6.
3.
Counter
sink
the
holes
big
enough
for
the
flat
washers
and
deep
enough
to
contain
the
bolt
heads.
Note:
Please
see
the
section
titled
“determining
which
type
of
screw
to
use”
if
you
are
installing
the
Tilt
Store
on
a
different
style
wall.
How
to
mount
the
lower
2x6:
Your
snap
line
should
be
inches
off
the
floor.
Use
this
snap
line
for
the
lower
edge
of
your
lower
2x6.
How
to
mount
the
upper
2x6:
Measure
up
inches
to
get
your
second
snap
line.
This
snap
line
will
be
for
the
top
edge
of
the
upper
2x6.
The
TiltNStore
Frame
will
mount
flush
with
the
bottom
edge
of
this
2x6.
Note:
Use
your
level
to
make
sure
you
are
mounting
the
2x6
ledger
board
straight
and
level.
➢
Placing
the
Mounting
Brackets
on
the
top
2x6
Place
the
mounting
bracket
level
and
2.5
inches
in
from
the
end
of
the
2x6
with
the
mounting
bracket
top
held
flush
to
the
top
of
the
2x6
ledger
board.
For
each
bracket,
use
equally
spaced
hex
head
lag
bolts
to
secure
the
mounting
brackets
level
and
to
the
ledger
board.
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