Installationand adjustament manual CN04
The minimum of the throttle valve (18) is regulated
using the throttle adjusting screw (17), which acts
on the spring (22) and thus on the lever (16) to
ensure passage of the right amount of gas to
operate at idle. The start and acceleration device
consists of a solenoid valve (19) controlled by an
electronic device that only powers the valve when
the engine is started, allowing the gas to exit
through the valve housing (26) and then proceed
to the 3
stage chamber. If the engine does not
start the coil de-energises, and the core(21) and
spring (20) resume their pressure on the housing
(26), thus cutting off the gas flow; this also applies
if the engine should stall for any reason. Before
starting, when the current is switched on, the
electronic device excites the coil (19) for a pre-set
period of time, freeing the amount of gas needed
for starting from the housing (26).
The following instructions should be followed when
installing the pressure regulator:
• install the pressure regulator in the engine com-
partment as close as possible to the point where
the mixer will be installed, attaching it firmly to the
bodywork with the screw on the centre hole (24)
supplied with the unit;
• install the pressure regulator outside the space
housing the organs that take in air to ventilate and
heat the interior compartment;
install the pressure regulator at least 150 mm from
the exhaust manifolds and silencers. If the distan-
ce is less than the minimum value prescribed, but
greater than 75 mm, a diaphragm in sheet metal or
material of equivalent characteristics, with a mini-
mum thickness of 1 mm, must be interposed
between the elements.
• position the pressure regulator parallel to the
direction of movement and in a vertical position, so
that it is easily accessible for adjustment and
maintenance operations;
• check that the pressure regulator is fitted in a
position that is lower than the highest point of the
radiator to avoid the formation of air bubbles in the
water circuit;
• make sure you do not position the pressure
regulator in such a way that the bleed screw is over
the distributor or the ignition coil;
• carefully clean the high pressure methane pipes
before connecting them permanently to the pres-
sure regulator, to avoid getting any impurities
inside the pressure regulator;
• check that there are no leaks from the water pipes
(generally connected to the interior compartment
heating circuit) when the engine is on;
• check that the pressure regulator heats up qui-
ckly through its connection to the engine cooling
Each time the engine cooling circuit is emptied the
liquid level must be topped up, ensuring that any
air bubbles that could prevent pressure regulator
heating are eliminated.
The pressure regulator gas outlet must be con-
nected to the mixer, ensuring that the connecting
pipe (which must be as short as possible) has no
curves or bags.
Do not in any circumstances slacken the five
screws (25) that attach the 3
stage cover to
the pressure regulator body in order to attach
the pressure regulator. Use only the central
hole (24) and the corresponding screw with nut
and washer.
with exhaust gas analyser
4.1 Fuel injection vehicles with catalytic con-
verter (V05 system)
The first operation is to adjust the maximum:
• bring the engine to about 3,500 rpm to learn the
default value.
The second operation is to regulate the minimum:
• with the engine on, turn the throttle adjustment
screw (B) (clockwise to decrease and anticlockwise
to increase) until the number of steps of the linear
electromechanical actuator shown on the “Di-
splay” menu under MOT on the Mod. V05 Tester
Programmer is equal (or as close as possible) to
the value indicated at DEF.
• Check that the LEDs of the Lambda scale that
indicate carburation are oscillating regularly.
• use the exhaust gas analyzer to check that the
Lambda value is about 1,000, the CO and HC are
close to zero and the CO2 value is around 11-13%.
Refer to the “Lambda Control System A1 V05
installation and adjustment manual’ or the carbu-
ration measurement procedure in the ‘Mod. VO5
Tester Programmer instruction manual” for further
After registering the minimum and the maximum,
perform a road test.
General warnings
Regulators setting