In most cases, faster results and better chemical economy
will be obtained by applying the chemical and letting it
“set” for a few minutes, prior to rinsing. This enables it to
do its soil penetrating and loosening work.
Most cleaning work terminates with a high pressure rinse
as part of the normal cleaning procedure. In some cases,
however, the last operation may be the application of a
chemical or detergent (sanitizing, for example). After such
work, run machine for 20 - 30 seconds to clear the pump
and lines.
Do not run anything through this machine that will dam-
age the steel heating coil and pump.
Open the pump access panel.
Turn the steam valve counterclockwise lightly until you
feel resistance. (Chemical will not siphon when the
steam valve is opened.)
Turn the thermostat knob to the 270° mark. (The ther-
mostat is a high limit device and does not regulate
To stop, reverse steps 1 to 3 and set all controls to
their original settings.
Turn burner switch off, open trigger on spray gun and
allow water to cool.
PHWS models have the steam mode built into the
unloader. Just turn the unloader adjustment knob
counterclockwise until you feel resistance.
Use clean fuel - kerosene, No. 1 home heating fuel or
diesel. Clean or replace fuel filter every 100 hours of
operation. Avoid water contaminated fuel as it will seize
up the fuel pump. De-soot coils monthly or use an
additive if diesel is being used.
Check to see that water pump is properly lubricated.
Follow winterizing procedure to prevent freeze dam-
age to pump and coils.
Always flush chemicals from system after use.
If water is known to be high in mineral content, use a
water softener on your water system or use a
recognized coil cleaning chemical.
Do not allow acidic, caustic or abrasive fluids to be
pumped through the system.
Always use high grade quality
LANDA cleaning chemi-
Never run pump dry for extended periods of time.
Periodically delime coils as per instructions.
If machine is operated with smoky or eye-burning ex-
haust, coils will soot up and prevent water from reach-
ing maximum operating temperature. See section on
burner adjustments.
Pump Lubrication:
Use only
LANDA SAE 30 weight, non-detergent oil. Change
oil after first 50 hours of use. Thereafter, change oil every
three months or at 500 hour intervals. Oil level should be
checked through use of dipstick found on top of pump or
red dot visible through oil gauge window. Oil should be
maintained at that level.
Use clean (not contaminated with water and debris) kero-
sene, No. 1 home heating fuel or diesel. Drain fuel tank
and replace fuel filter every 100 hours of operation.
Electrode Setting:
Ignition Circuit:
Periodically inspect wires, spring contact and electrodes
for condition, security and proper spacing. Transformer
10,000 volts -- use defect free insulated
screwdriver and keep fingers off blade! Lay blade across
one contact: OK if arc will span 1/2" between end of blade
and other contact (see illustration).
Transformer Check:
Nozzle Adapter
G a p
Top View
Side View
Periodically Check Wiring Connections. If
Necessary To Adjust Electrodes, Use Diagram