Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
RC3620 & RCM3620 Rotary Cuters 330-841M
Hook-up LED Lights
The lead wiring harness (#11) is equipped with a 7-way
round pin connector for connecting to the tractor’s 7-pin
electrical outlet shown in Figure 1-24.
Route lead wire harness (#11) through spring hose
loop (not shown).
2. Connect lead wire harness (#11) to the tractor’s
7-way round pin receiver.
3. It is best to have a second person verify the lights are
operating. Start tractor and operate lights as follows:
a. Turn on head lights to verify red lights illuminate.
b. Turn on flasher lights to verify amber light are
blinking on and off.
4. If the lights did not operate properly, recheck hook-up
of enhance module and wire harnesses. Make
necessary changes and repeat step 3 above.
5. Check wire harness routing to make sure wires will
not be pinched as wing decks are folded and
unfolded and while raising and lowering cutter height.
6. Add cable ties (not shown) to wire harness (#11) as
needed to secure the harnesses in place.
LED Hookup (Standard Clevis Hitch Shown)
Figure 1-23
Tractor 7-Pin Electrical Outlet
Figure 1-24