Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
RC(M)5020 Series 2 (S/N ) Rotary Cutter 334-437M
Unfold Wings
To avoid serious injury or death:
Keep everyone out of the area where the wing decks will
unfold. One of the wing decks can fall suddenly.
To avoid serious injury or death:
Watch hydraulic hoses as the wings lower to be sure they don’t
catch causing hoses to stretch and pull loose from the
Make sure shipping crossbar is removed and all
safety alerts are followed as instructed above.
2. Make sure cutter is parked on a level surface.
3. Place gear selector in park, raise wings to their most
upright position, shut tractor engine off, set park
brake, and remove switch key.
4. Rotate transport lock bars (#3) up to storage
bracket (#2). Secure with existing hairpin cotter (#1).
5. Start tractor and lower cutter wings down until resting
on the ground.
6. It may be necessary to purge wing folding cylinders
and hydraulic hoses of trapped air if operation is
sluggish. Cycle folding cylinders back and forth
several times to purge air from cylinder. For
additional details, see
Transport Bar, Storage Position
Figure 1-19
Clearance Check
Check driveline for adequate clearance under all ranges
of cutter height.
With driveline attached to the tractor, slowly raise and
lower cutter to its upper and lower limits while
observing clearances between hitch and driveline.
2. Adjust tractor drawbar height and length if driveline
interferes. See
correct placement of tractor drawbar.
3. Cycle hydraulic lift system several times to purge the
hydraulic lift system of trapped air. For additional
details, see
The lift cylinders should raise the cutter up
while pushing the control lever forward and lower
while pulling the lever back. Switch connections at
the duplex outlet if lift control lever works opposite.