Section 8: Troubleshooting
RB1660, RB1672, RB1684, RB2672, RB2684, & RB2696 Rear Blades 301-375M
Section 8: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Chart
Bent hitch frame and/or
mainframe while backfilling
Hitting one or more solid objects.
Check for solid objects before backfilling.
Drive slow when in unknown conditions &
stop immediately at first sign of trouble.
Blade is digging too deep into the ground.
Lengthen top center 3-point link until blade
quits digging in the ground.
Moldboard is offset.
Align Moldboard so that it is straight.
Load on moldboard is not centered.
Keep load in the center of the moldboard.
Bent hitch frame, mainframe,
and/or moldboard while making
a Turn
Swinging the Rear Blade into a solid object
while making a turn.
Stay clear of solid objects while turning.
Remember the back will make a wide
swinging pattern when turning.
Bent moldboard
The moldboard could have a slight curve
that developed during factory weld-up.
No solution required. Slight curve is
acceptable and does not affect operation.
Hitting one or more solid objects that are
hidden or not hidden in the ground.
Check for solid objects before operating.
Drive slow when in unknown conditions &
stop immediately at first sign of trouble.
Hitting a solid object with the end of the
Keep moldboard ends a safe distance away
from solid objects. Manually remove the last
several inches of product away.
Blade does not penetrate soil
Ground is too hard.
Loosen soil with a Land Pride Scarifier.
Apply water to the surface or wait for a rain.
Blade cutting edge is too dull.
Replace blade to get a new cutting edge.
Blade pitch is set too light.
Lengthen top center 3-point link.
Blade penetrates soil too deep
when traveling forward
Ground is too soft
Install Land Pride’s Skid Shoes.
Blade pitch is set too excessive.
Shorten top center 3-point link when
traveling forward.
Grading is not level
Tractor’s draft-link height control is lifting the
Set draft-link height control to the proper
cutting depth.
Moldboard falls from the
Moldboard retaining bolt is missing.
Check moldboard pivot bolt daily. Make sure
it is properly tightened. Apply loctite if it
keeps coming loose. Replace missing bolt.