Section 2: Operating Procedures
ZT60i & ZT72i (S/N ) Accu-Z
Zero Turn Mowers 357-552M
Table of Contents
To Steer
Refer to Figure 2-9:
To Steer Straight While Traveling Forward
(Ref. Frame #3):
Push control levers forward an equal distance.
To Steer Straight While Backing Up (Ref. Frame #4):
Pull control levers rearward an equal distance.
To Turn Left While Traveling Forward (Ref. Frame #5):
Move right control lever farther forward from neutral
than the left control lever.
To Turn Right While Traveling Forward:
Move left control lever farther forward from neutral
than the right control lever.
To Turn Right While Backing Up (Ref. Frame #6):
Move left control lever farther back from neutral
than the right control lever.
To Turn Left While Backing Up:
Move right control lever farther back from neutral
than left control lever.
To Make A Pivot Turn (Ref. Frame #7):
Move one control lever forward and the other
control lever back of neutral, this will allow the drive
wheels to counter-rotate.
Figure 2-9
Front of Mower Faces This Direction
To Start and Increase Speed
Refer to Figure 2-9 on page 20:
After starting the engine, release park brake, and engage
control levers by moving handles fully (IN). This makes
the levers ready for steering while traveling. Moving
control levers an equal distance away from neutral will
increase travel speed.
Start forward travel by gently pushing on the control
levers. The further forward the control levers are
pushed the faster the travel speed.
Start backing up by gently pulling on the control levers.
The further back the control levers are pulled the faster
the travel speed.
To Decrease Speed and Stop
Refer to Figure 2-9:
In the event of a system shutdown while mowing, move control
levers to neutral, and spread them fully apart. Also, engage
the park brake lever to aid in slowing and stopping the mower.
When moving forward, pull back gently on control
levers to decrease speed until neutral is reached.
When backing up, push forward gently on control
levers to decrease speed until neutral is reached.
Move control levers to neutral to stop. (Ref. Frame #2)
Spread both control levers fully apart and engage park
brake when stopped for awhile. (Ref. Frame #1)