54g Wireless - LANCOM L
54ag Wireless - LANCOM L
54 dual Wireless
Chapter 4: Security settings
With the access control list (ACL) you can permit or prevent individual cli-
ents accessing your wireless LAN. The decision is based on the MAC
address that is permanently programmed into wireless network adapters.
To check the access-control list, go to the configuration area in LANconfig
and select ‘WLAN security’ on the ‘Stations’ tab.
The LANCOM Enhanced Passphrase Security (LEPS) uses an additional
column in the ACL to assign an individual passphrase consisting of any 4
to 64 ASCII characters to each MAC address. The connection to the access
point and the subsequent encryption with IEEE 802.11i or WPA is only
possible with the right combination of passphrase and MAC address.
Have you protected the configuration with a password?
The simplest way of protecting the configuration is to agree upon a pass-
word. If no password has been agreed for the device, the configuration is
open to be changed by anybody. The field for entering the password is to
be found in LANconfig in the 'Management' configuration area on the
'Security' tab. It is absolutely imperative to assign a password to the con-
figuration if you want to enable remote configuration!
Have you permitted remote configuration?
If you do not require remote configuration, please ensure to switch it off.
If you need to make use of remote configuration, ensure that you do not
fail to password-protect the configuration (see the section above). The
field for disenabling remote configuration is to be found in LANconfig in
the 'Management' configuration area on the 'Security' tab. Under ‘Access
rights – From remote networks’ select the option ‘denied’ for all methods
of configuration.
Have you allowed configuration from the wireless LAN?
If you do not need to configure the device from the wireless LAN, switch
this function off. The field for disenabling configuration from the wireless
LAN is to be found in LANconfig in the 'Management' configuration area
on the 'Admin' tab. Under ‘Access rights – From the wireless LAN’ select
the option ‘denied’ for all methods of configuration.
Have your password- protected the SNMP configuration?
Protect the SNMP configuration with a password too. The field for pass-
word-protecting the SNMP configuration is also to be found in LANconfig
in the 'Management' configuration area on the 'Security' tab.