LANCOM 1811 Wireless DSL – LANCOM 1821+ Wireless ADSL
You are now reading the user manual. It contains all information you need to
put your device into operation. It also contains all of the important technical
The reference manual can be found on the LANCOM product CD as an Acrobat
(PDF) document. It is designed as a supplement to the user manual and goes
into detail on topics that apply to a variety of models. These include, for
The system design of the operating system LCOS
Routing and WAN functions
Quality of Service (QoS)
Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
Virtual Local Networks (VLAN)
Wireless networks (WLAN)
Voice communication in computer networks with Voice over IP (VoIP)
Backup solutions
Further server services (DHCP, DNS, charge management)
This documentation was created by …
... several members of our staff from a variety of departments in order to
ensure you the best possible support when using your LANCOM product.
In case you encounter any errors, or just want to issue critics enhancements,
please do not hesitate to send an email directly to:
Our online services
are available to you around the
clock should you have any queries regarding the topics discussed in
this manual or require any further support. The area 'Support' will
help you with many answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Furthermore, the knowledgebase offers you a large reserve of infor-
mation. The latest drivers, firmware, utilities and documentation are
constantly available for download.