Cheswick Bath Vanity Set Assembly Instructions
We do our best to ensure that your furniture arrives in excellent condition. In the event that a part is damaged
or missing, Lamont Home will be happy to provide you with replacement parts, at no charge, within 30 days
of purchase, providing the parts are available in our warehouse and the item purchased is part of our current
inventory. In order to receive missing or damaged parts, at no charge, you must provide proof of purchase
within 30 days.
If you need assistance with assembly or replacement parts, please call Lamont Home Customer Service,
prior to returning the item to the store.
Our Customer Service Department is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am — 4:30 pm, CST. Our toll free Customer
Service number is 800-553-5621.
Important: Please read all instructions in this booklet before starting assembly.
Made in China for Lamont Home.