In order to obtain the best combustion performance and efficiency, and for respect of the
envi-ronment, checksand adjustment of the combustion must be carried out, and with appro
priate tools.Basic values to be considered are:
• CO
indicates the amount of excess air during combustion; if air is increased, CO
value-sdecrease, and if combustion air is decreased, CO
% values increase.
SMOKE SCALE (Bacharach) indicates that solid un-burnt particles are present in the
smoke. If N°2 on the BH scale is exceeded the nozzle must be checked for faults and
that it is adapt to the burnerand boiler (trade, type, pulverization angle).Usually the BH
scale number tends to decrease, increasing pump pressure, in this case keep theincrea
sing combustion levels under control.
SMOKE TEMPERATURE is a level which indicates heat loss through the chimney; higher
thetemperature, greater is the loss and lower combustion efficiency. If the temperature is
too high thequantity of burned light oil needs to be lowered.
IMPORTANT: existing laws in some countries can require a different adjustment to that given
here and may alsohave different parameters. The burners are designed to meet the toughest
international laws on energy savingand respect of the environment.
The release pushbutton on the equipment is the main component for accessing all the dia
gnostic functions (activation and deactivation) as well as for releasing the control and che
cking device. The release pushbutton has a multicoloured led which indicates the state of the
control and checking device during operation and when the diagnostic function is in use.
If the burner is locked out, there will be a steady red light on the lock out pushbutton.
By pressing the transparent pushbutton, the control and checking device will be released.
By pressing it for more than 3 seconds, the diagnosis stage will be activated (red light flashes
rapidly). The table below describes the causes of the lock out or fault in relation to the num
ber of flashes (always red). The diagnosis function is interrupted by pressing the release
button for at least 3 seconds.
Condition Colour sequence
Colour sequence
Standby, other intermediate states
No light
Fuel preheating “on”, waiting time 5s.max
Ignition stage Yellow, flashing
Yellow, flashing
Correct operation
Incorrect operation, current level of flame detector
below permitted minimum
Green, flashing
Drop in voltage
Alternating yellow red
Burner lock out
Red, flashing
Stray light before burner ignition
Alternating green red
Rapid flashing for diagnostics
Red, rapid flashing