If you would prefer to leave
the LTW level as set from
the factory at level, you can
always use feeler gages to
achieve level and then
transfer the feeler gages to
wherever you are getting
comparison readings. In
this example, .042” of
feeler gages were required
to get a level reading. To
check the rear of the table,
the LTW level and the
feeler gages will have to be
transferred and the same
distance maintained
between the feeler gages
and the end that is resting
on the table.
Here is the LTW level in the
rear position, showing the
feeler gages sticking out
the back of the saw table.
Care must be used to
maintain the position of the
shims so that you get
consistent readings.
Leaving the Vial Level and Using Shims
Page 6