MeasureReady™ M81 Synchronous Source Measure System Quick Start Guide
Basic measurement operation
To configure a measurement module on the front panel,
navigate to the tab for the module.
Additional measurement module settings will also
be displayed.
The first setting is the Mode setting. The other settings
displayed will change based on what is relevant in the
selected mode.
M81 current and voltage measurement modules can be
configured for DC, AC, or lock-in detectiosn modes. To
change the mode on the front panel, tap the mode and
select the desired option..
DC mode
In DC mode, the display will show a single value, which is
the DC indication.
Averaging time
The averaging time is specified in Number of Power Line
Cycles (NPLC). Note that the M81 detects the power line
frequency in your country. For example, if your power
line frequency is 60 Hz, setting an averaging time of
30 NPLC would mean an averaging time of 0.5 s. For
best rejection of line-related interference, an integer
number of NPLC should be selected.
AC mode