CL4490 User Guide
Version 3.0
Americas: +1-800-492-2320 Option 2
Europe: +44-1628-858-940
Hong Kong: +852-2923-0610
Laird Technologies
Read Radio displays error
message: “Failed to Enter
Command Mode. Check all
connections and serial port
NOTE: After each unsuccessful read, reset the radio and toggle the port by
cycling power on the CL4490 and clicking Close Port and then Open Port in
the active Port1/2 Settings section on the PC Settings tab (sometimes it may
be necessary to close and re-open the Configuration Utility program). Try the
solutions below starting with the first and proceeding if the problem persists.
After resetting the radio and toggling the port but BEFORE attempting to
read the CL4490 again, check the port status along the bottom of the
screen and verify the following: Port1(or 2, whichever is being used)
displays the correct COM for the connection:
RTS: High
If using RS485 disregard RTS and CTS status and verify that
Handshaking is set to NONE
Ensure PC Settings are correct; if the baud rate of the CL4490 is unknown
select Use Auto Baud/Port from the Options box on the PC Settings tab.
Ensure the cable is a straight-through cable. Refer to the
If using a RS232 (RS485) to USB cable, ensure the cable drivers are
properly installed.
If using a configurable RS485 to RS232 converter (similar to the B&B
Electronics 4WSD9R) ensure the settings meet the manufacturer’s specs.
If connecting a CL4490-200-USB radio, make sure proper drivers were
installed with the Configuration Utility SW. If running Windows 7 OS, you
need additional USB drivers that can be downloaded by clicking
If any other program that uses the same COM port as the CL4490 is
open, close that program and try to read the radio again.
If the radio is still unreadable, perform the
Read Radio displays error:
“Cannot Read Radio
starting at address 0x00”
Cycle power to the CL4490. Try to read the radio again.
If after several attempts this error is still displaying the CL4490 firmware is
most likely corrupt and unit must be replaced.
Write Radio displays error
message: “Failed to Enter
Command Mode. Check all
connections and serial port
Cycle power to the CL4490. Read the radio, make changes and then Write the
radio. If Write fails after a successful Read, the radio may be resetting.
Cycle power to the radio again.
Monitor the status of CTS, at the bottom of the window, for the port
being used (Port1/2). If CTS is transitioning between High/Low then the
CL4490 is resetting.
If the radio is programmed as a server, monitor the LINK LED. If the LED
is flashing ON/OFF then the CL4490 is resetting.
Verify that the voltage/current rating of the power supply being used is
sufficient to power the CL4490 (Refer to
Port Status is CLOSED
Click Open Port in the Port1/2 Settings section on the PC Settings tab.