Bx600 Series of Breakout Boards for BL600 module
User Guide
Embedded Wireless Solutions Support Center:
Americas: +1-800-492-2320
Europe: +44-1628-858-940
Hong Kong: +852 2923 0610
Figure 11: Verify loaded firmware
AutoRUN Function
The nAUTORUN signal (SIO_28 of BL600; pin 40) is brought out onto J5 pin 2. See the schematic in
Figure 12
Figure 12: J5 schematic
The nAutoRUN pin needs to be externally held high or low to select between the two BL600 operating modes:
Self-contained Run mode (nAutoRUN pin held at 0V). Insert jumper between J5 Pin 2 and Pin 1.
Interactive/Development mode (nAutoRUN pin held at VCC). Insert jumper between J5 Pin 2 and Pin 3.
The smartBASIC runtime engine firmware checks for the status of nAutoRUN during power-up or reset. If it is
low and if there is a smartBASIC application named $autorun$, then the smartBASIC runtime engine executes
the application automatically; hence the name self-contained run mode.