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Remote recording can be manually controlled, provided that automatic recording is
not enabled. If you choose the manual control mode, you can enter the Control >
Recording Control menu to turn the "Open Remote Recording" switch on and off, and
manually control the remote recording function to be turned on or off.
8.8.2 USB Record
The USB recording and recording is recorded in a rolling loop, and the oldest
recording file is automatically deleted after the U disk is full. The recording file is in
units of 30 minutes, that is, the size of each recording file is equal to the amount of
data recorded for 30 minutes. The recording file name is "terminal name + recording
start time + mp4" suffix format. The management of the USB recording file only
supports the user to operate on the web interface. The playback operation of a single
file can play the recorded content in a local browser. It is recommended to use the
Chrome and Firefox browsers. It can also support downloading recorded files to a
local computer and playing them through the player.
To use the USB recording and playback function, you need to bring your own USB
flash drive as a storage device and insert the USB flash drive into the USB interface of
the terminal. In order to achieve the desired recording effect, you need to configure
the recording source, recording video resolution, and recording video bit rate and
recording mode as needed.
Step 1
Enter the GUI main interface, select “Settings > Record > USB Record”.
Step 2
Configure USB record parameter information. The parameters are described
in the following table.
Step 3
Select “Save”, save configuration information.
Step 4
Parameter Description
Select the content you want to record, the options
Main Video Source: The main video source of
the terminal, generally the camera input.
HDMI-OUT1: The first output of the terminal.
Default: HDMI-OUT1
Bit rate
Record the video content data rate, you can
increase or decrease as needed.
Default: 768kbps
Select the record mode, the options are:
Default: Manual start
Auto start once power on
Auto start once conferencing
Manual start