1. Reference
CO2 Laser Machine © 2018 Laguna Tools 8/27/2018
1.4 Accessories & Options
The following accessories are designed for the X-Series CO2 Laser Machines. These
instructions should be followed exactly to properly set up the equipment. Some of
these accessories are designed to fit multiple machines offered by Laguna Tools.
Check the
sheet for a fit guide of all CO2 Laser accessories.
Fume Extraction Machine
All CO2 and Fiber Laser machines.
Fume Extraction units are used to control the
toxic gasses emitted by some materials upon
melting. It is important to know the process you
will use and and materials you are processing
prior to selecting a fume extractor. The laser
machine also matters, for example, the Laser | MX
allow for dust and debris extraction in addition to
fume extraction. You will find two ports on the
rear of the machine.
Please go to lagunatools.com or give us a call at
+1 (800) 234-1976.
Fig C010: Fume Extraction Units. (1)
7.5HP HEPA Fume/Debris Extractor
Fume/Debris Extractor
1HP HEPA Fume Extractor
In-Line Fume Filter Box.
Q: Which fume extractor is best for the Laser | TX MCNCLTLCO2MU2012-40W?
A:The TX requires 400CFM. Dust/Debris will settle at bottom of machine and should
be vacuumed out frequently.
Q: Which fume extractor is best for the Laser | MX MCNCLTLCO2EC3652-150W?
A: The MX features two exhaust ports - top for fumes and bottom for dust/debris.
The top port has a 400CFM fume extractor CFM, the bottom - 600 dust collector
CFM. Use a dedicated fume extractor to capture the fumes and run a line from the
dust collector to capture the debris.
Q: Which fume extractor is best for the Laser | EX MCNCLTLCO2EC3652-150W?
A: The EX has a 600 CFM extraction requirement. Dust/Debris will settle at the
bottom of the machine and should be vacuumed out frequently.
Q: How does a fume extractor differ from a dust collector?
A: A fume extractor consists of up to 4 layers of filtration: as the waste goes into the
machine it crosses a material catch, a Prefilter (10 micron) layer, a HEPA (0.2
micron) layer, and an activated charcoal (adsorption) layer. This ensure that the
fumes are isolated and stay inside the machine. A dust collector focuses on
separation of the dust (large particles) and air. This is usually done with a large 1
micron (or HEPA 0.2 micron) filter.
Q: How do i use the in line model?
A: Each laser machine that Laguna Tools sells comes with an auxiliary blower. If the
machine does not have a fume extractor, the blower is used to move the fumes to a
location away from the machine and operators. With a filter stack (in line model)
the blower is still used but the filter stack is then attached in-between the CO2
machine and the axillary blower.
Rotary Fourth Axis Turner
Check LagunaTools.com
All CO2 and Fiber Laser machines depending on Work Area & Z axis Range.
Rotary turners allow you to operate on contours
and round objects. The turner will plug into the
Ruida Controller. It is very simply to set-up and
use with the Ruida connections. It is important to
select a turner that will fit inside the work area of
the of the machine based on the z axis clearance
of the laser machine (in
the height of the object you are wanting to place
on/in the rotary turner.
Fig C014: Rotary attachment accessories for Ruida Controlled CO2 Lasers. (1)
motor connected to RUIDA controller.
Work piece rests and rotary mechanism.
Q: Which rotary attachment accessories will work with my C02 Laser machine?
A: You must first select a rotary device that will fit inside the work area. Once that is
defined, there are two type of rotary turners: chucked rotary attachments (similar to
a wood lathe) and wheel rotary attachments (shown in CO14). The wheel rotary
attachments are great for use with fragile or glass work pieces.
Honeycomb Table
N/A included with laser machine
All CO2 and Fiber Laser machines, depending on work area.
Our Honeycomb tables are great for mounting
and positioning work pieces. These tables allow
for repeated use without damage and allow the
debris to fall through and not interfere with the
laser process. The tables also allow for strong
magnets to be used as clamps to hold down
papers and fabrics.
Fig C013: Honeycomb table for CO2 and Fiber Laser machines.
Q: Is this a consumable product? In other words, does the laser ruin the honeycomb?
A: A mark will be left as the laser passes through, but each side will last for a very
long time.