Dake Corporation
1809 Industrial Park Dr
Grand Haven, MI 49417
C. Press will not develop rated tonnage
1. Dirt under release valve ball. See B-2, previously.
2. Worm leather cup. See B-3, previously.
3. Relief valve set low.
The relief valve has been set at the factory to bypass oil back to the reservoir when the press
reaches its rated capacity. However, if the press does not develop rated tonnage and the 2
above conditions have been checked, the relief valve may need readjusting. To do this
remove the 1/4” pipe plug in the connector block. The valve adjustment screw should now be
accessible and should be adjusted with a 7/32” hex wrench. To increase the setting, turn the
adjustment screw clockwise, only adjust screw in small increments before testing tonnage.
Be careful not to adjust the valve over its rated tonnage or maximum operating pressure
CAUTION: Never exceed 150 tons or operating pressure of 6000 PSI
D. No ram movement
1. Release valve open.
Be sure release valve is firmly closed when operating press.
2. Insufficient oil
Check oil level in the reservoir when the ram is complete down (rest position). Remove 1/8”
pipe plug on side of reservoir. Oil level should reach this hole.
3. Pump loses its prime
Make sure all intake connections are tight.
Check to make sure there is enough oil in the reservoir